Well, it's a nice day out there right now. I probably should get my car washed, but isn't it just going to get dirty again? Hmm..
I went snowboarding last night. A couple of co-workers invited the entire office out to ski at Dagmar, and I was going to decline, but TT twisted my arm and I was compelled to go. Ironically enough, he got sick and wasn't able to go. (He got sick from snowboarding a few days earlier.)
Anyway, it was okay. I didn't stay out for long, but I would like to get back into learning how to snowboard. I can't carve for the life of me, but I'll keep trying..
Ah ha! I've been able to switch my patrol from next week to this week. Whew! At least I'll be able to go to that retirement party.
Badminton was okay, although I didn't play all that well. For some reason my hitting was all wrong..
Wednesday, January 21, 2004 at 19:12:11 (UTC)
hey we might be going on sunday to blue mountain for night skiing ($29)