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[2:44 AM EST - Interesting trivia.]

I found out two interesting tidbits during our weekly midnight snack. The first is that there's this wive's tale that a woman who's second toe is longer than their big toe will rule or beat their husband. Having a short bone in their big toe will do this. This is known as Morton's Syndrome or Morton's Foot.

Also, people can and do vomit feces in very bad situations. I don't have a name for this disease.


[11:34 AM EST - An hour fast.]

I took a look at my clock and noticed that I didn't really have much time to head to the hill, so I got cleaned up, called the snow phone, and double checked the time. What the..? I had could've sworn that the clock was telling me that it was past noon.

Then I remembered that the clock next to my bed had not been set back to standard time! Ah well, at least I've got some time to eat lunch..


[10:24 PM EST - Arrowroot.]

Babies aren't the only ones eating this stuff. My parents sometime make a type of jelly with some white powder and cane sugar. I knew what the Cantonese name for this stuff was ("got phun") but I had no idea what this stuff actually was.

Well, apparently it's Arrowroot, and it has many uses. Cool beans.


[10:27 PM EST - Left side sore.]

Ugh, I'm not sure what I'm doing to my left knee, but it doesn't like it. I may be hyper extending it since I stepped on a soft patch of snow yesterday and it hurt pretty darned bad. My left elbow has been acting up as well. I'm not sure what I can do to relieve the pain there.

And overall, I'm just plain tired. This weekend has me wiped. Hopefully I'll be able to relax next weekend. *looks at schedule* Hmm, maybe not.


[10:38 PM EST - Are you related?]

Oh yeah, I forgot something I was asked last night. the Snackman asked me if I was related to KE since we had the same last name.

I looked at him funny. KE's last name was not even close to my last name. So how could we be related? Then it dawned on me: My jersey! I chose "ING" for the name on the back of my jersey after I decided to use my moniker and number from the 2000 world broomball championships. So he must've thought that it was my real last name!

Ah well, it's an honest mistake..


Wednesday, October 16, 2024 @ 06:24:53 EDT

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Eric Hoffer (From The Quotations Page.)