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[11:38 AM EST - What the..]

A new kernel already? What's up with the quick turnover? Must be some sort of security issue methinks.


[11:40 AM EST - Party pictures posted.]

HKL has kindly offered up some bandwidth (and compression) for those photos and videos I took from last month's reunion at AMY's place.


[1:23 PM EST - Still being updated.]

Even though Redhat is not maintaining my version of their OS, there's still a large community out there that is, and so I'll be able to keep my OS up2date until I switch over to a different flavour. No rush though (not like I have any time to rush).


[1:29 PM EST - Cheques to write..]

I've got some cheques to write and mail off before I do some cleaning up around here. Good grief, it was a long day yesterday.


[2:18 PM EST - Dream Sequence: Goofy girl.]

I better write this down before I forget, because the memory of this morning's dream is already very tenuous.

The two parts in the dream I wanted to mention were completely disconnected. In one, I was playing hockey or roller hockey in some sort of arena. The arena was not a standard shape. In fact, I'm not sure it really had any regular shape to it at all! I just remember meeting a guy and a girl who were having a little trouble moving around. When I approached them, she introduced him as someone I had met before. At that moment, I went into flashback mode where I saw the two of them on a date. They were playing with some remote controlled boats, but that wasn't the interesting part. He was actually dressed up in a full body Goofy suit! (Dog ears and all.)

The second scene was at a restaurant table. It was a large one that could hold about ten people and a lot of my cousins were there. BT was sitting to my right, and there were a couple of seats free to my left. There were a few more open seats scattered around the table. Then this one girl came up to the table on the far side of the table from me. BT motioned her to sit down and she walked around the table to sit down next to me. I felt a little strange, but everyone else was very nonchalant. Then BT looked at me and told me that I shouldn't feel so uncomfortable since they were all sort of expecting things to go that way.


[2:31 PM EST - Su Tu.]

When I was lying in bed this morning, I recalled a comment made by EC during one of our after game meals. He asked me why my last name had two syllables, and if it was a freak or something. Then OC piped up and noted that two syllable Chinese last names were rare, but were very important in Chinese history.

That prompted me to look for other two syllable Chinese last names, but I'm not having all too much good luck in that department. (Unless I wanted to go through all of them.)

I decided just to look up Sutu (Situ, Seto, Szeto).


[5:09 PM EST - dos2unix.]

Well, I had searched for and found a quick and dirty way to convert DOS text files to Unix text files but I lost it. I found another way of doing it so I'm posting it here so I don't forget.

tr -d '\15\32' < dos-format-file > unix-friendly-file

Pretty simple no?


[Monday, January 12, 2004: Ultimate pickup.]

I hitched a ride with MasterStorm down to the dome where the ultimate practice and pick up game was being held. It had started snowing already so I was glad to have won the toss and was sitting in the passenger seat (after driving around last night, I wasn't really in the mood to drive again).

We got there basically on time despite the traffic and weather. I was a little surprised to see so many ninjastars on hand! Apparently they were splitting the field for practice, which was fine by me. I ended up practicing with the ninjastars for a bit. Boy was I rusty!

I had a good time though. It was good seeing everyone again. The pickup game afterward was fairly intense. The level of play is higher than what I'm used to, so I did get a lot of running in.

Afterward, I found out that it was PY's birthday yesterday! I didn't know that! I didn't know that there was some sort of dinner thing going on for her either. Since I was looking at getting food (MasterStorm too), we headed out for some grub.

The dinner was good, some people showed up who I hadn't seen in a while, and a merry time was had by all. I introduced MasterStorm as "DeeL's brother" to a number of people, and he complained,

"Ahh, still living in DeeL's shadow.."

Mind you, I'm known to quite a number of people as "girl's brother"..


Wednesday, October 16, 2024 @ 06:40:49 EDT

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