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[Sunday, January 18, 2004: Patrol plan.]

The plan for today was to head to the hill to pick up my skis, meet up with LR at her place, head north to the Muskoka's for a zone meeting, ski for a bit, come back home to drop off the equipment, maybe take a detour to see someone, and then head to KW for Growly and Laz's birthday party.

At least that was the plan. It all started off well. I made it to the hill in good time (the weather was pretty good) and picked up my skis (and wrote a cheque too). Then I headed to LR's place where we stuffed all our equipment in her car (I was not going to let me drive for more than eight hours today) and then headed up to the meeting.

The drive up was pretty good. Very scenic, lots of trees, lots of snow, not all that much traffic. Unfortunately, it was a LOT longer than I had anticipated. Most of the hills were within an hour's drive from the city. This one was nearly three hours away. Yup. At least we got there in one piece. The hill was medium sized, but the chalet was really nice. It looked very old, and they had a cool ice sculpture at the front door with the inn's name engraved in it. Only up north..


[Sunday, January 18, 2004: Sam's drive.]

The meeting was okay. Just like all the other meetings. Apparently I'll need to do some work with some of the financial aspects of the patrol, but it shouldn't be that hard right?

LR and I were able to suit up and get some turns in, although it took a long time to get her feet into her boots. So I had a good time making fun of her while I was helping her in. The hill was acutally quite busy, but the snow was good, and the runs we tried were fairly good too. It wasn't all that high, but there's nothing "high" in this part of the world, so you take what you can get right?

Their hut was top notch. When we were looking for it, we were looking for some little hut hidden somewhere near the lift, so when we saw this big building in front of us, we never expected that the hut was part of the building! It was pretty nice. There were spots for equipment, lockers, a kitchenette, and even mugs. I think we were lucky to get a toaster oven!

Well, next time we think of upgrading, we'll have to look into turning the hut into something that people would like to stay in..

We headed back after our few runs down. (Which included one accident - there were lots when we were out.) The weather had suddenly started to turn stormy, and it was snowing.

The drive back was fairly uneventful, although there were a lot of slow drivers on the roads. Well, slow in comparison to the blistering speeds we were achieving on the way back (in the middle of a storm).

We made it back in good time, although I had not expected the hill to be so far away, which meant that my plans were off by an hour or two. By the time I got back home to drop off my stuff, it was about the time I had expected to be near Guelph. So, I made my requisite phone call had some plans to change.


[Sunday, January 18, 2004: KW idol.]

I found out that I was too late for my stopover, so I decided to go straight to KW. The drive was okay. It was snowing moderately, and there was moderate traffic. The passing lane was always open though, as most of the cars and trucks stuck to the middle lane, so I ended up zooming by at (more or less) the speed limit. (Normally it is packed with cars going WAY over the limit, but during storms only the crazy drivers were found in that lane.) The car handled well though and I made it in town at a good time.

I was earlier than I had expected to be since I never made that stopover, so I decided to look some people up. I drove to HNT's place to see if he was in and show off the new car, but nobody was home. So I gave ShadowWhyspr a call (since I found VanPi last time) and found out that she was in! So I drove up to her place and found out that Lizard just happened to be visiting..

So I came in to say "hi" and ended up staying there a couple of hours. Hey, there's a lot to catch up on in few years (especially since I hadn't talked with Lizard in years). It was good though. ShadowWhyspr hasn't changed and neither has Lizard.

So yeah, after catching up for a couple of hours, I figured that it was high time to head to the party. I got there and it was still pretty much going at full tilt, although most of the partiers were tilting from the alcohol already.

At that point in time, I was tired from driving, skiing, and sitting around arguing about loan payments. So I took it easy while everyone else reveled which was fine by me because I was ready to sleep. I did hang around though for the present opening and watching "Halo" not work. (Right after Growly stated that the he liked game consoles because of the fact that you have no compatability issues.)

The drive back was a little dangerous because I was really tired, it was dark, and the roads were still slippery. I didn't fall asleep at the wheel though. Although I had to scare myself a couple of times to stay awake, and turn on the cold air to keep myself from nodding off. Remind me to drive with a passenger the next time I'm in a situation like this. (Any volunteers?)

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Wednesday, October 16, 2024 @ 06:28:25 EDT

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