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[12:02 AM EST - Snowy Lunch.]

We were hit by a pretty severe squall this afternoon. Well, I guess it was more of a storm than a squall (it was too long to be a squall), but we did have white out type conditions for quite some time actually.

I was going out to pick up lunch. Coincidentally enough, everyone in my company decided to order something for lunch as well today. How convenient. When I got into the office this morning, it was overcast, but there was no percipitation. When I got out to the car for lunch, it was covered in an inch of snow and the snow was coming down in huge, wet clumps.

Clearning the snow off the car was a chore because it was so damp and heavy. By the time I had finished getting the snow off on one side, the other side was already getting covered up! I didn't want to spend all day clearing snow, so I took off. I had only stopped off for five minutes to pick up the food when I noticed that the car was covered on one side by a centimeter of snow. The amount of snow that was falling was nuts! You could barely see in front of you and if the wind had really been blowing, it would've been such a big mess.

At least I made it back in one piece. I was surprised that I didn't come across any accidents during my trip out. I guess the last storm shocked us back into winter mode.

Badminton and broomball went fairly well. I really tired myself out today. I should go to bed soon. The epoxy on my broken stick is starting to crack after the first game. (I tried to get it fixed.) I don't think I'll be using it anymore.


[12:09 AM EST - Kids should have sex?]

Oh boy, this book is already getting many people up in arms, and it isn't even out yet! I got the link from the ShackNews.


[12:31 AM EST - What a neat toy!]

This 3G modem is pretty darned neat. The link's from ArsTechnica.


[11:14 AM EST - An offer you can refuse.]

Oops, I offered to drive someone home today but forgot about badminton tonight! Argh! Well, hopefully things will work out in the end.


[10:24 PM EST - Ready to ride?]

I just got my registration form for the Ride for Heart. I wanted to sign in early and make it for the 7:15 starting time like I did last year but the deadline for that was April 1st. *looks at calendar* Doh!

Anyway, is anyone out there interested in joining me this year? It's taking place in June and it's quite a nice ride actually. I'll bring a camera if I go with a group. The view of downtown Toronto from the Gardiner is very nice. It's much nicer when you're travelling at 20 kph rather than 120 kph. (Although the average speed of the Gardiner during rush hour is probably 20 kph.) I'll see if I can beat my time for last year. (How can't I? I was dead tired when I started the ride. I'll try not to play three hours of roller hockey before the ride this year.)


[10:34 PM EST - Got GM in the morning?]

I got two links from the ShackNews. The first is about the massive GM vehicle recall (I know someone who owns a Sunfire) and the death of Saturday morning cartoons.


[11:24 PM EST - Squishy volleyball.]

This is just for me. You guys wouldn't recognize anyone in the photos anyway. (And I only recognize two.)


Wednesday, October 16, 2024 @ 06:22:54 EDT

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Woody Allen (From The Quotations Page.)