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[12:21 PM EST - The hard way to separate eggs.]

Until I read the paper this morning, I thought that it was Sunday. Long weekends can really confuse some people.

Anyhoo, I was making breakfast this morning, and I was remembering Tenshi's comment about cracking an egg with one hand. I've done it before, but I don't usually make a habit of it, so I decided to just play around with it this morning since I was making French toast. So, I took the egg out, crack egg against rim of sink, open egg up over sink, put shell in bowl..

Wait. I think I switched a step. *looks in sink* Doh!

Now I had an egg yolk stuck in the drain guard. The albumen had already passed into the drain. Well.. I could wash the yolk down the drain, but if seven years of student living has taught me anything, it's that any semi-clean food is still decent food (I was going to cook the snot out of it anyway) so I got a spoon, and scooped the yolk out. It wasn't a pretty operation, but it worked, and I haven't died from food poisoning yet! *pats stomach*

I've noticed that some people wet their toothbrushes before appyling toothpaste. I usually put the dentifrice on before wetting the brush, which keeps the tube dry, but has led to some embarassing instances where the water knocks the paste off the brush and I'd have to reapply. How many people out there actually wet their brushes before applying paste? Where did you learn it from? Why do you do it? If you don't know what I'm talking about, then why the heck aren't you brushing your teeth?!? Eww.

I've got a hockey game tonight. I'll try to lay off the Civ III today so I can work on the page (and get a hair cut and work on my taxes). We'll see.


Wednesday, October 16, 2024 @ 06:28:31 EDT

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