I'm in early today. Well, earlier at least. I've got quite a bit of stuff to do, so I'll keep this short.
I got a link from girl to some "Lord of the Rings" trivia questions.
I've been doing a little study over the past couple of weeks. I wasn't sure if I was lactose intolerant or not, but I usually don't pay attention to what I eat or what I do to notice. Last week, I went on a milk fast and didn't drink any for a few days. Afterward, I went back to drinking a litre a day. Conclusion? Yup, there's a difference. I'd call it a mild intolerance but it's there. It's quite annoying actually. I like drinking milk. Oh well, I guess it's soy from now on!
When I was ordering my sub for lunch, I told the lady behind the counter that I wanted whole wheat. She put her hand into one of the bags, looked at me and asked "White?".
"Whole wheat."
She then proceded to take out a white bun and cut it.
Am I that hard to understand?!? *bangs head on counter*
To top it off, they didn't have any chocolate milk so I had to settle for white. *shakes head*
It seems as if there's going to be some movement of personel down at the office. My army shall begin to grow! *cackles maniacally*