Doh! It seems as if I could've gotten a free pair of goggles had I waited before buying my helmet. Well, actually that would've meant that I would've been helmetless this year which would've been bad because it saved my head a number of times. *rubs chin* Oh well, it was money well spent.
Ahh, I always get a good kick out of seeing typos on government documents. Today, I got to look at a birth certificate and wondered what "satus" meant. Closer inspection revealed that it actually should've read "status".
Well, I don't feel so bad for making all of those spelling errors on this site!
Hee hee. I like Madelaine's little comment. It was pretty funny. Ahem. Anyway, I spent the day relaxing, getting ready for tomorrow (although I still have to get the stuff to the car), and watching BGC 2040. It's uh.. not as good as the OAV. That's about all I can really say about it right now.
Geez, I'm really burning through these CDs..