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[9:25 AM EST - Mornin!]

It seems as if I'm awake early on this wet weekend. Not much planned for today, but that means that I can do "stuff". (I'm not sure what "stuff" is, but I can do it!)

Oh hey, I found this neat article about the war between smart cards and the satellite TV companies on the ShackNews. The method they used was brilliant!

On another note, there are some new pictures up on Clone*Army. It seems as if DK was trying to immortalize VanPi. *looks* Number 2's better, although it doesn't really look like her.. er.. because she looks cuter IRL. Yeah, that's it.

Saturday, January 27, 2001 at 17:05:09 (UTC)

I wish they'd given some actual details on what they did - the article was pretty vague.


Friday, March 14, 2025 @ 00:49:50 EDT

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Will Rogers (From The Quotations Page.)