It seems as Laz has responded to questions about how he and Tenshi are getting along. It seems as if the door's wide open for any prospective females. *rubs chin* Dare I open my little black book? Naw, but I do know one person who might make a good match..
About the Club Monaco thing, I remember reading about the shutdown a number of days ago but didn't take much note of it (since I don't shop there). If I remember correctly, they weren't completely shutting down, just a number of underperforming stores. Oh wait, here's a news link.
Along these lines, although it didn't bother me much when I read about it on ArsTechnica, some of you might not know that Maxtor bought Quantum (at least their Hard Drive Division) a few days ago.
Friday, August 17, 2001 at 19:20:42 (UTC)
Wait a minute -- how did I miss this entry?? WHO'S this supposed match?!
I will interrogate you again later.
diamondjones <e-mail>
Friday, August 17, 2001 at 19:48:41 (UTC)
Well, I.. don't actually remember who it was. *hangs head*