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[9:33 PM EDT - Peking duck.]

I just came back from dinner. We were planning to have a hot pot, but the restaurant was packed. Instead, we went to another restaurant in the area and had Peking duck. The food was pretty good, but being hungry makes just about anything taste like a gourmet meal. I'd like to note that they only gave us enough rice paddies (tortillas?) for exactly half of the duck skins. I found that a little.. coincidental. When we asked to see how much another container of paddies would cost, the answer was three dollars. Three bucks for a handful of thin slices of rice stuff? (Which were small to boot.) That was an outrage! A complete travesty of justice! Who in their right mind would go for such an underhanded means to earn an extra buck?

So we got another container.

This afternoon, after lunch, I stayed at home. The rest of the family went to Niagara Falls, while girl went downtown. I wanted to call up KGL and Laz to see if they were interested in food, but I got distracted by other things. <cough>Counter-Strike</cough> I was able to pull myself away for a little while to call up CJF to see how she was doing. I wonder why CJF. Oh yeah! It's probably because most other people have lives! *ducks* But seriously, out of all of the people I could've called, CJF was most likely to be home. I'm a little bothered though. She laughed at every single joke I made. Even the jokes I didn't make she would laugh. (Probably laughing AT me rather than with me in those cases.) *smirks*

Oh, I have a question. I've noticed with some girls, they have a tendency to go on an anti-male rampage if they had just broken up with someone. (Some guy, that is.) It's not a directed hatred against their ex, but a widespread hatred against one half of the human race. Why is that? I mean, not all guys are like their ex. (In fact, everyone is different in some aspect or another.) They go on saying that all guys are bad, all guys are stupid, all guys are.. (oh cry me a river). Now the duration of this anti-male sentiment varies from person to person, depending on how quickly they get over their old relationship, or rebound into a new relationship, or become gay (in which case I guess their sentiment never ends).

I guess.. I guess it's a way of letting off steam. I mean, if they directed all of their anger at a specific guy, it's quite unlikely that they'll ever be able to express their emotions. So they turn to the next best thing: Some unlucky guy who happens to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. (That would be any guy in her vicinity for as long as this anti-male sentiment lasts.) Now the best thing for guys who actually have interest in this girl who's currently in an anti-male phase is to probably stay the hell away. Unfortunately, girls in this situation do not tend to have any anti-male aura with which to warn any unsuspecting suitors that their manhood may be in danger. All females have this special ability to mask their emotions. (It is believed that this ability comes from a gene residing on the X chromosome. Men also have this gene, but it is usually turned off by the Y chromosome. There are many men who's "emotion masking" gene is still active - along with the "emotion sharing" gene - but it is only half as powerful as the female's.) However, if the female is vehemently angry at the male sex, (usually right after coming out of the deep depression of realizing that one's now single) it is easy to see the signs. Just look for any males with their heads bitten off. By triangulating their positions and movment patterns, one can pinpoint the epicentre of the attack and steer the hell away.

This is by no means the only way to approach or associate with females who have been recently separated from their significant other or are still in the anti-male phase. Most of this is in fact pulled straight out of my ass. Don't worry, I cleaned it off before posting it. In any case, take whatever you read here with a grain of salt. In fact, you can have a salt lick.

I guess it's time to see what's going on in the world today.

Monday, October 09, 2000 at 02:27:06 (UTC)

I'm not sure what your point is, but I miss women too.

MC Hwanking

Monday, October 09, 2000 at 03:47:19 (UTC)

(*ROTFL*) Hwan, you crack me up... QYV, finally an entry that doesn't rattle my enough-with-the-video-game-entries gene. I like witty presentation too (*titters like an immature schoolgirl*).


Monday, October 09, 2000 at 04:22:50 (UTC)

boys do suck....but I like your take on the subject....very funny and partially true...:)


Wednesday, October 16, 2024 @ 04:56:01 EDT

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