Erk, apparently FlyingS's page has been updated recently. I haven't noticed because I couldn't see his old site! (Which I've got a link to and so I end up site hopping.) Well, I decided to throw up a direct link since that site seems to be gone for good. Anyway, FlyingS's 26! He's older than me! (Not by much, but hey I'm grasping for anything that'll make me younger..) Anyway, he's still sick, and now he's older so everyone wish him a happy (belated) birthday and hope he gets better! (You can put them both on the same card if you want to save money. Or not.)
Friday, June 29, 2001 at 17:56:36 (UTC)
Stupid CSC. Maybe I should start pointing to my homepage http://darcy.flyingsquirrel.ca/ The csclub site is just a mirror nowadays anyway.