Well, that was my first experience on the driving range. It was quite interesting actually. The first few trys at hitting the ball (with the nine iron) I hit both straight and far. Then I was told to correct my stance and swing, and I couldn't hit the ball for the life of me. *swings* *watches ball roll a few meters* *sighs*
Not an easy sport. After about an hour on the range, we finished off the bucket and basically I had good form. I just had to hit the ball. (Gee wasn't that like.. the purpose of the game?) Good form only gets you points in gymnastics. (Yes, and some other sports, but I can't be bothered to list them all.)
Okay, it's getting warm up here. Time to open up some windows..
Monday, June 25, 2001 at 03:46:58 (UTC)
Ooh, mods! I used to really like mods myself. :) Hey, I'm glad you finally tried golf. Now that wasn't so hard, was it? What other un-QYV-ish things can we get you to do? (*muhahaha*)
Monday, June 25, 2001 at 03:55:23 (UTC)
What the.. you listened to mods? I guess I find out something new every day!
So you want me to try out more un-QYV-ish stuff eh? What do you want to turn me into? An anti-QYV?!?
Hey, I like the sound of that!