I guess I was wrong with the no news comment. I was just reading the paper over breakfast (read: lunch), and I came across a story of a 14 year old kid that was stabbed in the shoulder in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, while a 17 year old boy was stabbed to death (in front of other students) in Calgary, Alberta. What's up with that?
Tuesday, November 21, 2000 at 20:17:10 (UTC)
Isn't Saskatoon in Saskatchewan?
You know, if these kids were allowed to carry guns without all those licensing hassles, none of this would happen. : p
(While I really don't want (much) to pick on the West, particularly over issues such as this one, I'm sensing something of a trend...)
Oh, to answer your previous question, I'm doing just fine thanks. Well, mostly. You're coming to the show this week, right?
Tuesday, November 21, 2000 at 20:20:57 (UTC)
*smacks forehead*
Whoops, I was in Alberta mode when I was writing that entry. Thanks for the subtle hint. Anyway, I should be heading out to Waterloo this weekend. How, and with whom are still up in the air.
Tuesday, November 21, 2000 at 22:09:25 (UTC)
By the way, My IE/InterDev thing says you need a semicolon on line 291 or somesuch. Please fix. I hate those dialogs... : )
Tuesday, November 21, 2000 at 22:51:29 (UTC)
Ah yes. I don't tend to turn on javascript much so I don't see these errors. I picked out a couple of similar ones too once you alerted me to them. Should be fixed now.