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[12:32 AM EST - Good deal.]

Windelynn found a great deal for a one night stay (for two) down at Niagara Falls. It is kind of funny that she brought it up because MJNL and I were talking about going to Niagara Falls if we found one of these deals.

Time to go and plan a trip then?


[12:53 AM EST - The rice was spicy, jerk!]

After our end of year party for badminton on Wednesday, I hung around a bit because there were tons of leftovers and I had no lunches prepared at my place. There was not much food I really wanted to take, since I was no fan of fried chicken, nor was I really eager to take the 'jerk chicken'.

That left the 'mutton' rolls and rice that also came with the jerk chicken. I had not had any of the 'Jamaican food', but I asked around and everyone I asked told me that the rice was not spicy at all. I was also told that the chicken was not spicy either, but I had my doubts. In any case, I walked off with enough rice and mutton rolls to last two meals.

Well, I had the first meal on Thursday and things were okay. The rice tasted a little bland, but I sort of expected it. After a couple of spoonfuls, I noticed a slight burning at the back of my throat. Then my tongue started to feel hot as well. The rice was spicy?!? Oh, and it was one of those slow build up spices that you do not notice until you have already consumed a large morsel of food, so by the time I noticed the heat, it was much too late for me to stop, and I had no other food so I pressed on.

I did refill my mug with water and got some serviettes since my nose really started to run. I got halfway through the rice, and most of the way through my water before I tried the mutton roll. The roll was quite tasty, until I felt the heat level spike. The mutton rolls were spicy! Curses! These people have no taste buds! *shakes fist*

It took me a while, a lot of water, and a lot of used serviettes, but I did manage to finish the meal. The worst feeling I guess was realizing that my second meal was going to be worse, since I had two mutton rolls instead of one, and the rolls were much more spicy than the rice! Normally, whenever I eat spicy food, I try to have some (lactose free) milk on hand to soothe the heat. If that was not possible, white rice was a possible buffer for the sting, but in this case, the rice itself was supplying some of the spiciness so I had very little recourse.

I did eat the second meal on Friday after much pain and suffering.

MJNL will be proud. (Of course, I am pretty sure I will have many more spicy meals next year..)

*cue ominous music*


[1:13 AM EST - I got this tingle at the back of my throat.]

Oh, as an epilogue to my jerk rice fiasco, I ended up getting a mild 'heartburn' feeling both nights that I had that meal. Why do people eat spicy food anyway?

[1 Comment]

[4:39 PM EST - Let it snow..]

Well, the weather outside is frightful, and I am glad I got some of the things I needed to do out of the way before the storm really hit. Unfortunately, it also means that I may not be able to go out for hockey or broomball this weekend. I will just keep an eye on the weather and see..


[7:51 PM EST - HTML in XML.]

I was thinking of doing something similar to Laz's on-the-fly comment preview, but he uses the innerHTML property which is generally bad when inserting into well formed 'XML'. Since I am displaying my pages with the application/xhtml+xml media type, the renderer will choke if I add in anything that is not well formed XML (unless you are running IE, which still treats XHTML as HTML). So I fell back to working on the problem of my AJAX feed reader. Because the entry information is not guaranteed to be in XML format, I cannot just paste the information willy-nilly. When I stopped using the innerHTML method, I displayed all of the data as text since, well, text is "safe". What I want to do is to include markup.

So I found a page that has a script that can replicate what innerHTML does using DOM methods. I had to alter the script somewhat to look for parsing errors because it had a tendency of just putting invalid XML onto the form.

So now that I have the data put onto the form, I have one more problem: the data is not rendered. I look at the source, and all of the information is there (for those entries where the data is properly formatted), but instead of turning a <br /> into a line break, all I get is.. nothing. Heck, anchors are also in, but the only thing that happens is that the text highlights when I hover over it. It seems as if the CSS works, but the browser just does not treat the tag as anything special.

Could it be because I am not implementing AJAX with the 'XMLHttpRequest' 'API'?


[7:59 PM EST - Epsonality.]

Okay, I have been hearing these annoying ads on the radio for the past couple of months or so. Something about figuring out your Epsonality, which basically relates you to a printer.. I think. In any case, I have not checked out the website yet.

Okay, let me check.

It seems like I need to upgrade my flash player. Bah! I will try to ignore these advertisements from now on.


[9:51 PM EST - Spam returns.]

Geez, the change I made apparently did not stop the spam comments from appearing. I took a look at the log and noticed that the spam did get stopped for a while, but the scripts actually accessed my comment script directly, bypassing the entry forms. I have altered the actual script to see if it will make a difference. I have a few more tricks up my sleeve before I fall back on the 'CAPTCHA' method.


[10:36 PM EST - Got fun?]

Since my parents did not use any of the arrowroot starch I got several years ago, I took it home with me a couple of months back. The main reason why I bought the starch in the first place was to make this dessert my parents used to make a lot when we were kids. It was basically sugar water with arrowroot starch. It had a distinct taste, and when cooled, had a consistency of runny Jello.

I tried to look for a recipe, but found nothing close to it, so I tried to concoct something from memory. It came out.. okay. I have yet to try it in earnest though, I am still letting it cool. (This is in lieu of dinner.)

As some of you may have noticed, I am passing on hockey because of the poor weather outside, although I probably could have braved the elements. (I have driven in worse.)

The Markham Motorcycle party is tomorrow. I was planning on taking the subway to the restaurant, until I looked at the invitation and saw that the restaurant was actually in Richmond Hill! What the hey? Well, that kind of sucks, what to do now?


Wednesday, October 16, 2024 @ 06:36:50 EDT

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Frank Leahy (From The Quotations Page.)