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[4:42 PM EST - Lucky penny.]

We have a pile of change that has been collecting for the past year or so and I ended up getting a handful of pennies when I collected money for lunch. The pennies came from our change pile, and I half jokingly mentioned that I would go through the coins to look for rare change since nobody really wanted the money.

Well, after staring at the pile for a few seconds, I pulled out a penny that looked different from the rest. The head looked like something that I had seen before. I took a closer look at the date: 1869. It was an 'Indian Head cent'!

I gave it to MB to clean it up since it was pretty grungy.

Maybe I should have just kept it.


[Saturday, December 22, 2007: Driving Conditions: Lane Reorganization.]

When I got up this morning, I barely caught the traffic report. In my semi-conscious state, I thought I heard something about a lane reorganization on some road. I had a funny feeling that it may have had something to do with highway 401, but I was not sure. Just to make sure, I took a look at the COMPASS Traffic Cameras and took a look at the area of the highway where there had been construction for the past year. I noticed that the area that had been blocked off was now clear! What was happening was that the collector lanes were being widened, which meant that all traffic over the Don Valley bridge was being routed to the express lanes via the transfer lanes. Once over the bridge, the rerouted traffic was lead back to the collector ramp. For that, they had to put a temporary hole in the highway divider.

From what I saw on the cameras, I noticed that there was virtually no traffic on the collector lanes, no construction on the collector lanes, and most importantly, no snow on the collector lanes. So when I drove onto the highway, I took a gamble and stayed on the right hand side of the highway where the traffic was originally being routed left. I was awarded with a completely open ramp and a clear path to work and actually made it on time despite leaving rather late.

The vast majority of the vehicles were still taking the transfer lanes onto the express ramp, and thus traffic was backed up quite a distance. I guess the commuters got so used to being forced to the left that very few people noticed that there were no more pylons blocking the lanes onto the collector ramp. More importantly, the gap in the divider that allowed the traffic to flow back to the collector lanes from the express ramp had been closed up, forcing all of those cars to stay in the express lanes and clogging up traffic there, while the now widened collector lanes were underused.

I noticed that this was still the case on the drive back during the evening rush. I guess people get into a habit and do not look for changes? I have that same problem myself..


[Sunday, December 23, 2007: Poker and Portal.]

People from work got together at AI's new condo to play some poker. I also wanted to try out Portal because I heard so many rave reviews about the game. It was good that I was able to distract myself because I lost twenty dollars on the first two hands! I got rivered on the first hand, and I was on tilt on the second.

I decided to cool off by playing some Portal and it was actually quite good! The first sixteen or seventeen odd levels were really easy, but then it got interesting at the end. Some of those puzzles were a little annoying, since I was not a big fan of jumping problems. I got a little stuck in one area, which was when I went back to playing poker. I ended up winning my money back, except when I got to the break even point, I was looking at an Ace-King and there was a big pot. Well, let us just say that I lost to a pocket pair, which became a trip on the flop. Ah well. I only went down ten dollars.

I did however finish Portal after that!


Wednesday, October 16, 2024 @ 06:41:56 EDT

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