Merry Christmas y'all!
I spent a little time today cleaning up the bathroom, which had gotten quite grungy in the past month. I also ended up talking with MJNL for a few hours, but I spent a good portion of time trying to get Samba working on my server. I was actually able to get Samba to work, and was able to get the external drive and printer to show up on my client machines, but I had two problems:
Perhaps I should explain. There is indeed a driver for the printer. (It is a HP PSC 1315 if you were wondering.) But the problem is that the driver only works for a directly installed printer, and cannot be used to install a printer over the network, which was exactly what I wanted to do. I have been doing some searching for a compatible printer driver, but have had no luck so far.
The second problem was with the external hard drive. I can see the files and access them via the Samba connection. Unfortunately, the drive uses an NTFS file system, which with my version of Linux will recognize, but cannot write to the drive! There is a new third generation NTFS driver which I can use to write to the drive, but the problem is that it is not a standard package for the version of Linux that I am running. Curses!
I thought that this project would take a couple of hours, but at this rate, it might take days..