I rode to work this morning and got stuck in traffic halfway to the office. While I was waiting, I saw three other riders pass by me. All three were in the right hand lane (I was in the passing lane). I didn't pay too much attention to them until the last rider. He was burning down the lane and weaving back and forth through traffic. It was rather dangerous actually. After he passed, I overheard one of the drivers yell at him, but considering the distance and timing, there was no way he would've heard it.
Unless he was talking to me that is, but I wasn't even moving!
I went to ultimate after work and arrived a little late as usual. When I got there, I saw a lot of people on the sidelines, but I couldn't find our camp. That was because we had no subs.
Considering how poorly I play in hot weather, this wasn't looking good. On top of that, I had forgotten my water on my desk, so I didn't think I'd do well.
In any case, to make a long story short, I played fairly poorly. I didn't have very much energy, and by the time we were at half, I was out of juice. I couldn't run if I wanted and I kept running out of wind. We won the game though, our first in a very long time!