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[9:52 AM EST - Fifty-three?!?]

Yikes, I go away for a few days, and my inbox is jammed. Crap. Anyway, I'm back at work for today. Hopefully, most of our clients will be taking this day (and the next few) off so I won't have an support calls to handle. (I can then work on stuff that's piled up in the past week.)


[12:21 PM EST - New door.]

Whoa, I nearly ran into the new door they installed in the washroom. It's all metalic and unpainted yet. Fortunately, the didn't change the key combination. They also replaced the door control thing on the inner door. It used to fly open with a slight touch, but now you need to be the Hulk to pry it open. Ah well, it's for the better right?


[2:10 PM EST - One bright day.]

I did a quick search and found some poems I've been looking for in a while. (I didn't find them when I first searched for them, but here they are now. The one I heard most closely resembled the orange one.


[2:39 PM EST - Win-ing.]

Ah ha, the Vietnamese language can be so butchered by English speakers.


[7:56 PM EST - Clean cat call.]

Well, I cleaned out my dead hard drive, and it didn't seem to make much of a difference. Crap. I probably should've cleaned it out BEFORE I tried using it! *shakes fist*

I'm getting pretty close to giving up on recovering the data from that drive. Had I not blindly gone ahead and done some stuff to it, I may have recovered my information by now, but hindsight as they say..

Speaking of hindsight, I got a message from ShadowWhyspr, who apparently got my Christmas card! I guess some things don't change huh?


[8:29 PM EST - Letting go of the past..]

Well, I think can officially say that my hard drive is dead. I really screwed it over methinks. This really sucks. To think that I had just recently blown away my back up drive on my other machine because I was trying to put some new computers together. The funny thing is, I think by putting my 10GB drive in with my 20GB drive may have led to my primary drive's demise. I don't have any space in my box, so I put the two drives together. Unfortunately, the electronics of the primary drive were touching the hot surface of my backup drive..


[8:29 PM EST - ..looking towards the future.]

Fortunately I've made some backups. They're not all that recent, but they're stil backups of most of my documents. We'll see what other stuff I had saved. This will take all night..


[9:14 PM EST - Poor backups.]

Hmm, some of my backup files are corrupted. This isn't good. It's not like I back up my backups! We'll see what I can recover and what's gone for good..


[10:12 PM EST - Losing history.]

Ugh. It does seem like one of my CD's is pooched, and part of another backup CD is corrupted. That's not good. Fortunately, most of my documents are backed up, although some is quite old. I've got some catching up to do, especially on the bookkeeping side of things..


Wednesday, October 16, 2024 @ 07:27:37 EDT

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Aristotle (From The Quotations Page.)