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[12:08 AM EST - Changed and broken.]

I've been fixing things now that I've broken a few features. The text coversion was a little screwed up, and the menu hiding script didn't work because it wasn't in table format anymore. Only small changes were required so things seem to be working okay in IE6 and NS7. I have basically stopped using tables on my site for formatting (except for one spot) and things look okay. *looks*

NS4 looks like crap though, but that's because it doesn't like the import function in CSS. I'll need to find a way around it somehow.


[1:11 AM EST - So close.]

I thought I had an easy CSS way of fixing that scrolling menu for Netscape. But after initial success, something didn't work out, so I'm left with nothing again. Oh well, I'll have to figure it out later. I'm way too sleepy right now.


[2:58 PM EST - Walkabout.]

I just got back from a little walkabout. I've got a bit of catching up to do, so I'll go into details later.


[4:58 PM EST - Fixing brakes.]

Well, I got up late today (again) and figured that I still might as well bring the car up to the mechanic's to have him look at the brakes. Getting up to the shop wasn't too hard. I ended up sticking to residential roads as much as possible since I had virtually no braking power. I could stop if I floored the brakes, but only if I was going under twenty, and if I had fifty feet to use.

All of the practice I had with engine braking on the RSX came in handy today. I hope I didn't scare off too many people..

Afterward, I decided to do a bit of walking since the weather was actually quite nice for December. It wasn't too cold, and although the skies were overcast, it wasn't wet or raining, and it wasn't windy, so I becan walking home.

I passed by a shop that I've seen in the area that I've been meaning to check out. Since I had the time, I dropped in to look around. By the shop's name, I had assumed that it was a store that held a lot of puzzles and games and stuff of that sort. I was a little disappointed to find out that most of its products were geared towards adolescents or younger. However, they did have a selection of books, and I decided to look for something since the book was in that age bracket. Lo and behold, there it was! Unfortunately, it was a different publisher, but I'll figure a way of hiding it somehow.

Afterward, I grabbed some money, wandered around the mall looking for food (nothing really appealed to me so I headed out) and then ended up having lunch in a nearby Tim Horton's.

After I had filled up with chilli, I began my trek back home. The walk was good, and I had plenty of time to wander around, although there wasn't really much to see in the area. The route I was taking put me through residential areas (there isn't anything commercial close by) so I basically walked through neighborhoods and looked at houses. They all look the same after a while, so I decided to look at cars as well. Even those started to look the same. (Lots of Acuras - Integras actually.)

I got a call on the way back and was told how much it might cost and also that it wouldn't be ready until tomorrow at the earliest. It wasn't like I was in a rush or anything.

So here I am getting ready to go and watch a movie tonight. I'll spend tomorrow working on my computers. Hopefully I'll get everything upgraded before I go back to work on Friday. (Even better yet, hopefully I won't break anything.)

Once I get the hardware up and running, I'll get back to concentrating on the software. Oh yeah, I need to get myself a copy of Debian again..


[Thursday, December 11, 2003: Big Fish.]

I went with LY and Pokey to watch 'Big Fish' downtown. The plan was to meet up with BMH, KW, and DWC down at the theatre. DWC had volunteered to pick up tickets for us three northerners, so I drove to work, and the three of us carpooled downtown.

We got there with plenty of time, but nobody was around. Hanging around for a bit, we saw BMH and KW come up, but no DWC. It wasn't until fifteen minutes before the show started when we finally got a hold of him (I think a game of phone tag was going on, but I didn't have anyone's numbers so I did not take part). DWC found out that the show was sold out when he tried to get our tickets. Uh oh.

So the four of us without tickets (LY, Pokey, DWC, and I) hung around with BMH and KW wondering what to do. As we were standing around, BMH noticed someone walk by with an ultimate shirt . After a moment's hesitation, DWC and I went to find out where she got the shirt from. Apparently, she plays for the team! Well, son of a gun.

During this time, Pokey was shmoozing with one of the employees and was able to convince him to sell us four tickets when the show started. Apparently when a show is "sold out" it means that all of the seats have been sold, except for a predetermined number of seats. In this case, it was ten. I guess it makes sense. If you sell out all of the tickets and you walk into a darkened theatre looking for those elusive ten seats, things could get a little messy.

So before we went into the theatre, I told the girl to pass a message along and hurried inside. I found a single spot near the front, while DWC was able to sit with the main group, and LY and Pokey found a pair even closer to the front. It wasn't too hard on the neck. Nothing couuld be worse than when I watched 'So I Married an Axe Murderer'. *cranes neck*

The movie was okay. It was very Forrest Gumpy but not as saccharine. The anecdotes seem a little far fetched, but they're supposed to be, and it was entertaining at least.

Afterward, LY, Pokey, and I went up north for some dinner and then I went home.


Wednesday, October 16, 2024 @ 07:21:03 EDT

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