I got this Inboxer Rebellion from Squishy.
This is really annoying. I mean, really. But right now I'm too busy to digest it all, so I'll just keep it in my stomach for a little while..
Yeah, I'm going to junk the spare server and turn it into a Win98 machine. Might as well. I don't see myself using it any time soon, and (hopefully) my server won't be going down anytime in the near future. *knocks on wood*
I still have my C300A which I can use as a backup if I REALLY had to. I don't have much time though. I want to learn how to use MUTT before I get rid of my backup..
Hey, I got word from LL recently that she was in Bath! Craziness. Memories of JW playing the sax in a grass skirt came to mind when listening to that Beach Boy's song caused her to e-mail a bunch of us.
Man, those were the days. I still remember seeing DH in that red dress..
Well, I'm trying out two different types of instant noodles. I had the same ones yesterday but I didn't come up with any verdict. Well, I still don't think I can come up with a verdict. There aren't too many noodles out there that really stick out as "fantastic". Oh well, I'll keep looking.
I went in to check to see if my hard drive had arrived, and I was told that they forgot to order it..
Argh! *pulls at hair*
I guess I'm out a computer for the rest of the week..
Badminton was okay tonight. I didn't play all that well, but I wasn't playing in any tough games tonight. I ended up taking it easy and concentrating on drop shots. The news for the day was that I got a call from SLWD! I wasn't very surprised to hear his voice because we have call display, but hey, I wasn't expecting him to call.
The plan is to go and play some pool tomorrow. I'll have to round up the usual suspects. (Pretty short notice at that.)
Oh boy, I sure hope I didn't break anything. I just ran a script that updated most of the pages on my site. I've done this before, but every time I do, I always wonder if I destroyed anything. I'm a little more worried right now because I don't have my backups..
Oh well, hopefully my coding abilities will overcome my stupidity.
Wednesday, November 26, 2003 at 16:08:09 (UTC)
People are getting their undies in a bunch over that story, using it as a starting point for their backlash against extreme Political Correctness. But it should be noted that it is merely a "request", i.e. not a mandatory, enforceable law... yet. It is such a pity that some people are too niggardly when it comes to educating themselves on the proper use of language...