I defnitely wasn't expecting this. You know, these left field fly balls keep catching me when I least expect them..
girl's idea of having a family volleyball game suddenly expanded to possibly include curling for those older folks who probably can't volley (or bump or smash or even run around). We've got a number of options though. There's this for gym time for volleyball, beach volleyball, and curling.
You know what? I just realized that part of this thing is over. It didn't hit me until last night. But even though part of it's over, there's still so much that's going on. I always expected it to go one way or another, I didn't expect something else to happen. I guess we always have a choice. Even if you make a choice now, you can change it later. Sometimes.
Well, I had a brain numbing meeting today, and it must've been pretty bad since I had written up an entry about it and didn't submit it! Argh!
Oh well, at least I got some free pecan pie from lunch (although Squishy pie is much better!)
Badminton was okay, but I didn't play as well. My shoulder was a little sore from Monday which I found kind of odd. It hasn't been sore in a long time. Does it mean I'm not pushing myself?