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[10:18 AM EDT - May showers bring..]

I guess we're finally getting the April showers this year. It's supposed to rain off an on all week. Yay.

Geez, is it just me or are the weekends getting shorter and shorter?


[10:24 AM EDT - Less hair, more plastic.]

I got around to vaccuming the car celing yesterday. Unfortunately, the hair was pretty much embedded into the fabric and considerable force was needed to dislodge even one thin strand of fur. I worked on it for thirty minutes before my arms got too tired from reaching up all the time. I needed to force some blood back in.

Oh yeah, I found those pieces of plastic used as the seat belt guides on the side of the car. Apparently they had fallen into the holes which were created after they were removed from their spots. There's a clip and screw that keeps them in place (I don't know where the screws are) so I'm not sure how they got inside. Someone must've pulled them out for some reason. (Not to mention the hand hold and jacket clips). I'm going to see if I can find a snap ring for the window. At least then I don't have to keep telling people that the handle's in the glove compartment every time they want to open the window.


[11:31 PM EDT - Orthodontist.]

I had my orthodontist's appointment today. He went over my medical history and tried to figure out what problems I had. Basically I had three: a slightly impacted molar, snoring issues, and a cracking jaw. Apparently all of those issues stem from the same problem. I've got a small jaw. I've had my wisdom teeth taken out a number of yeras ago, but the damage was already done.

It was interesting how he just sort of looked at me and came up with all that. The angled molar is easy to see. The snoring comes from the fact that my mouth is open when relaxed, which means that it's open when I'm asleep. Finally, for the jaw thing, he pulled at my ears and that caused my jaw to crunch again. Wow, it's like he's an expert or something!

He explained that because my jaw was too small, the back teeth were pushing the front teeth forward (which causes me to bite myself often), this put pressure on my whole jaw (which explains the cracking jaw), and makes the front teeth jut out a bit, giving me a slight overbite. Because the front teeth jut out, it means that my mouth is forced open when relaxed.

Anyway, the only thing he could do, because my jaw's too small, is to knock out a couple of molars and use braces to rearrange the rest of my teeth. This will be a long and expensive process. Somehow, I don't think my insurance or benefits cover this sort of stuff. Plus, I don't like the idea of losing any more teeth than I have to. I'll have to think about it. I don't think it's worth the hassle. Maybe when I get a few teeth knocked out playing hockey or snowboarding, I'll consider it. But for now..


[11:45 PM EDT - Is ET an introvert?]

ET handed me a printout on "Caring for Your Introvert" that she got from AV. If you are an introvert, this is a good read. If you're thinking of dating an introvert, this is a must read.


[11:57 PM EDT - Snap rings and badminton.]

After my orthodontist's appointment, I went to get a snap ring for my window regulator handle. I ended up getting a box of these "universal" snap rings and proceeded to try to attach one on. After thirty minutes of pushing, shoving, twisting, and turning, I gave up sine my hands were sore from all of that effort. It shouldn't be this hard should it? What am I missing?!?

I'll try tomorrow when I have more time (and patience).

I went to badminton today, and played somewhat better than I normally did. I need to get new glasses though. I think my depth perception is off, and it keeps changing depending on how far back my glasses are. Hmm, maybe I should go shopping for new glasses tomorrow too?

Oh yeah, LC came by the office today. Should be working here for the summer, unless she finds another job. (Now she I would label an extrovert.)


Wednesday, October 16, 2024 @ 06:24:51 EDT

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Frank Leahy (From The Quotations Page.)