I got up early for the comp this morning. I needed to arrive early so that I could grab some bandages to restock my pack. There were patrolers there from all over the zone to compete at the comp. A number of us were voluntold to go, but doing badly doesn't mean that you're kicked out, so it's good practice.
I got there just in time to pick up my jacket, name tag, and some crevats. They didn't have my card however, but..
Well, to cut the story short, we didn't do all to hot, but I didn't expect us to do well at all. Besides, we didn't get any practice at all and it showed when we did our events. Actually, there was one event which I knew I'd do well on because I've done it before. Too bad I wasn't allowed to participate. *shakes fist*
I nearly forgot that I had a hockey game tonight. It's been so long since I've shown up. Anyway, I didn't play all so well since I haven't been skating for a month, but it was fun nonetheless. I probably should've rested actually seeing as I haven't been getting much sleep, and the fact that I injured my hip during the game. Ouch.