I went with Jules (since she offered to drive) to Growly and Laz's Temptation Island themed birthday party last night. We got there a little late because Jules and I had stuff to do. (Well, I did have a lot of mail to clean up and other stuff to get caught up on.)
We were supposed to dress up for the occasion (wearing tropical type clothes - reminds me of a little party I went to in KW where I had to borrow some shorts..) but when we got to the party, we saw how many people weren't dressed up and never bothered to change. (Although I did bring my own shorts this time! I also brought girl's spear which doubled as a prop and limbo stick.)
When we arrived, I took a quick glance at the crowd, and headed into the computer room where I found a number of people hovering over some sort of card game. It was an interesting pattern matching type premise that was so.. addictive! Jules and I basically got pulled in and ended up playing for most of the night. I did bump into KT who I actually recognized despite being totally engrossed in the game. (She asked me if Jules was my GF. What the..?)
Anyway, by the time I pulled myself away from the game (after being demolished by the reigning champ) I wandered back out into the common area to find out that nearly everyone had already left! Whoops! I guess I was being a little anti-social that night, but it's such a fun game!
The web site for the Set Game is here(It took me 5:41 for this week's puzzle. I can't enter the contest because I'm not American.) and if you want to practice, there's a java applet here.
Despite spending most of my time staring at shapes and colours, I did talk to a number of people before having a juicy jumbo and heading back home.
I just came back after a quick one to the bank on blades. The weather is so warm! I couldn't resist the urge to go out and do a little bit of inline skating.
Mind you, after a couple of months of ice skating and skiing, I think I lost my ability to rollerblade. That's okay though, I didn't go and kill myself at least!
But boy, was it hot.
Well, I'm not tutoring that girl any more. Instead, I'm tutoring a guy now! No, the girl didn't get a sex change or anything like that! *shakes head*
Anyway, I actually planned to go to KW early yesterday to visit a few people before going to the party, but trashed the idea because
So yeah, at least things worked out well.