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[10:05 AM EST - Need a better grip.]

It's Friday? Whoa, time flies when you're faced with a deadline. Anyway, I've been busy, as usual. I headed out to the slopes right after work and found out that there were something like ten patrollers out that night. Ten! Holy safety Batman! I don't think it was that busy, although I didn't have a radio so I didn't hear about any accidents.. *wink*

Actually, just after I signed in, one of the instructors came in with a kid just to check if he got any frost bite on his hands (that's what happens if you don't wear gloves or mitts). Oe quick check revealed no damage, although it was the onset of frost nip (very warm hands, slight loss in mobility). Nothing major, but not something you want to keep out in the cold, so I told him to take it easy and find some dry gloves. I did get a lot of skiing in at least. The snow was mostly natural, and very slow. Holy crap! I was so not used to skiing on this stuff! I'm glad I got to practice though (and some jumps as well).

Heck, I got to try out the toboggan with a very heavy patient and it was nigh-impossible to lift it! Well, lifting wasn't the problem. It was getting a grip on the bars. They kept slipping out of my hands so I really had to sqeeze the handles which made my forearms oh-so-sore by the time I made it to the bottom. *wiggles fingers* They still are too. Ooch.

Oh yeah, one of the lenses of my glasses fell out again. Same one as last time. *sigh* I think I'm going to get myself one of those mini-screwdriver kits.

Oh, girl sent out a poetry contest link.


[6:29 PM EST - BSoD.]

Today was the first day that I've ever encountered a BSoD on Win2k. It was quite freaky actually, but fortunately, I didn't have anything critical running at the time. Hmm, actually, ever since I downloaded those new video drivers, the entire system's been flakey..


[6:34 PM EST - More Free Wheeling.]

I got a FW link from girl.


[6:40 PM EST - It's a duo party.]

Hey, I've been invited to a birthday party next Saturday. Hmm, actually I've been told about two. Decisions, decisions! Mind you, with the way my luck's going, I won't get back from my business trip until Sunday!


[9:47 PM EST - Packing.]

I'm doing a little packing, a little work, a little backing up, and lots of reading. The ShackNews has a couple of interesting links up. The first is filled with conjectures of deleted scenes from LotR. The second is about figure skating (you know, I never really noticed that part of the sport..). There were some interesting terrorist stuff linked from ArsTechnica.


[11:25 PM EST - Sore fore.]

Ouch. My forearms are still really sore. *clenches fist* Crap, I don't think I've ever been able to do this much damage before. *types very carefully*

I want to clear out my inbox before I leave for my trip. I have a sneaking suspicion that I won't have any access to the internet while I'm out there..


Wednesday, October 16, 2024 @ 06:36:43 EDT

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