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[9:28 AM EDT - Dream Sequence: Nice day.]

It's pretty nice outside, although a little cloudy. It's funny how much skill you lose when you don't do something for a while, and this is what happened when I bladed to school yesterday. It felt a little akward for the first couple of minutes. Maybe if I had been blading for longer periods of time (as opposed to going to school and back) I might actually learn how to use these things more skillfully, but eh. *shrug*

I had a bizarre dream, which led to a strange scenerio. I'll state the scenerio.

You're sleeping at home with your spouse. Some sort of noise wakes you up and a little worried, you both get up to investigate. You pick up a gun that you own and walk downstairs. There you see a burglar who's holding a gun and going through your stuff. He doesn't see you come in, so you train you gun on him and tell him to drop his piece. He turns around, and seeing that you're armed, drops the gun. As the gun hits the floor, it goes off accidentally and shoots your spouse (who is right next to you) right through the heart (and dies instantly).

What do you do now?

This wasn't in the dream that I had, but it was very similar.

Hmm.. seeing as I'm a little early today, I should start clearing out stuff from my notebook. The first thing I would like to mention was that I saw this documentary on the tank a few weeks ago. Apparently, when they were first developing and producing these vehicles, they wanted to keep it so much of a secret that they told the production workers that the large metal containers they were making were actually water tanks. Since then, the name stuck.

I watched 'The Helstrom Chronicles' last night. Does anyone know who Nils Helstrom was?

Something I like to point out from my trip last week that Laz and Growly may have forgotten. During dinner, Growly (who was in the middle of a discussion with a couple of other people) asked me if I liked orientals. I thought that was a silly question, since I have no preference. That's when I found out that some people do have preferences. (Well, I knew of one person's preferences already, but I just thought she was a freak =) I had thought that growing up in such a multicultural society, one would drop their racial preferences (somewhat at least). At least that's what happened with me (I thought). But I guess it's also how you're raised, and what your exact environment is like. I dunno, I've never really given it much thought since I thought everyone else was like me: Indifferent. Of course, North American television tends to show mostly nubile, young, white women.. Hmm..

Tuesday, June 20, 2000 at 17:26:32 (UTC)

As I recall, you did have a preference, but maybe I should take this discussion offline... :)

Apple Jax

Tuesday, June 20, 2000 at 17:33:58 (UTC)

Well.. I shouldn't have been so rash as to say I don't have ANY preference (of course I would go out with a "good looking" girl rather than a "bad looking" girl). I should've said that I didn't have a particular racial preference.


Tuesday, June 20, 2000 at 18:02:32 (UTC)

Do they still make Apple Jacks?


Tuesday, June 20, 2000 at 19:09:03 (UTC)

Are you kidding? Check out applejacks.com!

Hey wow! Screen savers!


Tuesday, June 20, 2000 at 20:40:02 (UTC)

I would say that QYV is an exception and not the norm, in regards to his lack of racial preference... my guess is that its due to his scarberian upbringing. Mixed couples are becoming more and more common, but as a whole they're still rather rare compared to the number of same-race couples.

(One question that bothers me is how does one maintain links to one's heritage if it's made up of several different (possibly conflicting) backgrounds? This will become more of an issue a century or two from now. I suspect that there will be more people like me, who don't care about their family's past.)

In any case, we're a long way off from being completely blind/indifferent to race, whether in regards to racial stereotypes or spousal preference.

Miss Terry Eswayze

Tuesday, June 20, 2000 at 21:28:49 (UTC)

Having three (more or less) attractive sisters, and being oriental, I've had the chance to observe the fairly common subspecies of caucasian male I like to call the "sinophiles". That is, white guys who exclusively date oriental women. I guess I'm a sinophobe, since I've never had an oriental girlfriend.

Now why are female sinophiles so rare? *bangs fist on desk* Wait, don't answer that!

The last time I met one was at Sir Winston's in Montreal -- and she was only 18...

Yente Reg<e-mail>

Wednesday, October 16, 2024 @ 04:50:42 EDT

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