I have been going through craigslist quite a bit over the past couple of years, while keeping an eye on any good deals for things I need for the condo. Of course, this must be balanced with the fact that I currently do not have any money to spend. That huge spending spree last year wiped me out and I have to be frugal for another year before I get back to par.
Still, good deals keep coming up and the temptation is there..
I had nothing planned for today so I ended up doing some cleaning around the condo. I was able to move my bike stuff into the locker and greased the chain. I wanted to ride today because the weather was pretty good, but this weekend seems to be when all the cars around mine were still in, and getting my bike out would have been a bit of a chore. I opted to stay in.
I did not play well at hockey either. I showed up pretty late and did not get to warm up or stretch. That was a bad combination when there were so few people showing up for the game..
Saturday, May 26, 2007 at 18:00:54 (UTC)
Ah the bargain hunter's fallacy. The more you buy, the more you save.
I'm claiming that I have coined the phrase, "bargain hunter's fallacy." Y'know, like gambler's fallacy.
Saturday, May 26, 2007 at 18:26:44 (UTC)
Heheheh. Quite right. It is true that the more you buy, the more you save, but only if you are buying things that you need rather than what you want (or just for the sake of buying).
For example that couch I got. I probably could have bought something similar for a tenth of the price.. but it was on sale! *sigh*