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[10:16 AM EDT - And the chores begin..]

So I plan on going downtown to drop off a computer, come back uptown to do my test, go out of town to visit a convalescent home, go further out of town to get my car fixed, and then..


[11:33 AM EDT - One down.]

Okay, I dropped off the computer. I should get ready to go for the test soon.

I was talking with TT and a couple of the other network guys and they were watching some music videos. In particular, they were watching the new one by Avril Lavigne. They said that she was "hot" so I took a look.

Well, she does look different.

Oh, that LED night light I got from my dad does seem to work. However, it seems to turn on only when there is light around. When I block out the light, the thing turns off! What the hey?

Also, while I was leaving this morning, I finally saw the Gold Wing leave the lot. That bike is LOUD. I thought I was waking up the neighbors with my SV, but he could wake up the block!


[6:02 PM EDT - The only GM I plan on getting.]

Well, there you have it folks, I passed the test and I got my GM license this afternoon! Now I can drink and ride!!

Yes, the irony is not lost on me. But at least my license will not expire.

I ended up getting five points during the exam. Three were very very minor. The other two were going on a ramp to slowly, and following a truck to closely. More details later?


[6:25 PM EDT - Chores (nearly) done!]

I got up this morning when my alarm went off. I forgot to shut it off so I missed out on any extra sleep I could have gotten. Being the middle of the week, I guess it was okay since different sleep schedule probably would have screwed me up for Friday.

The only things I had planned for today was my M2 exit test and my car repair. However, there was just enough time to squeeze in a trip down to the recyclers to drop off my computer and possibly drop by R6_Chic's place for a visit.

After spending the next hour waking up, I decided to go ahead with the modified plan: I'll fit it all in today gosh darned it!

The recycling centre opened at ten, so I could not start any earlier than that, and I had no idea if they would take my machine either. So I called them up and found out that they would. I drove downtown, dropped the computer off without incident. (Although I worry that they did not keep track of which machine was mine since I came in with a couple of other people who had a whole trunk load of machines.)

I drove back home, changed, and headed off to the test area. I timed it perfectly: half an hour before my test time. Unfortunately, I was lined up for about twenty-five minutes, so I was worried that things might get late. I was right. I was told to wait outside after I was processed, and the tester came out after ten minutes. He took a look at my driver's license and mentioned that I was wearing glasses in the picture, but the license itself noted that I did not require corrective lenses. Doh. Curse those old photographs! It was the picture that they took of me right after the hockey game!

There was another guy who was also doing his M2 exit test and we spent that time chatting. His test was at 1:30 and he actually came in before me, so I felt sorry for him since he would have to wait so long. Anyway, after we chatted with the tester, he went back inside since the driver did not show up. I waited another five minutes before they both came out and we were off.

The test involves the tester following the rider in a chase car so that they can observe your movements and actions - and potentially reactions. They give you a radio receiver and an ear piece so that you can hear what the tester wants you to do, but you cannot respond to them.

The test itself was pretty easy, except that a few minutes into the test, I realized that I had not tied up my chin strap on my helmet. Fortunately, they understood my arm waving and hand signals and I was able to stop to correct that issue. I guess it was in my favour since it acted as my emergency stop test.

The weather held up fortunately. The forecast called for rain today (which is ironic since it had been sunny for the past week and will be sunny for the next week) and I was worried that I would have to do my test on wet roads (again).

The test was fairly short, but the wait afterwards was fairly long. All I needed was to have my new license printed out, but there were a fair number of people waiting in front of me. I think I spent less than a third of the time doing the test, and the rest was spent waiting.

I was cutting it close for time, but I still wanted to make that visit, so I headed to R6_Chic's place. Instead of taking the highway, I took the side streets because it was a shorter distance and I thought that it would be faster. I was very wrong.

I did eventually find the place, after a bit of searching, and got some muffins for my efforts. They were yummy, especially since I skipped lunch to do my test.

I headed back home and had just enough gas to make it back to the condo. I did not want to stop since I was already (very) late for my car appointment. The drive up was not too bad, but it still took some time, and I was lucky I missed out on a huge traffic jam.

So I dropped off my car, and got dropped off at my parent's place where I await. I will probably have dinner here as well.

Apparently the group is going to visit R6_Chic later tonight. I may come out, but I doubt it. It all depends on when my car gets fixed..


[6:34 PM EDT - Wait, that was not me..]

I just got a call from the courtesy driver and was told that he was waiting at the front door to pick me up. Just as I stood up to leave, he said,

"Oh, there you are!"

At which point I overheard him talking with some other guy for the next few minutes as he started driving the car. (At least it sounded like he was driving the car.) I could not get him to pick up the phone again so I hung up. Hopefully this was only a case of mistaken identity?

Unless there was some sort of rip in the space-time continuum (although I thought space-time was quantized?) and there was another me running around being me at the same time? What a scary thought.


Wednesday, October 16, 2024 @ 06:31:47 EDT

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