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[12:29 PM EDT - Dream Sequence: The killing tunnel.]

A group of us were trapped in a house, being hunted by some sort of bounty hunter. I had no idea what the bounty hunter wanted, but our group consisted of average people with no obvious bounties on our heads. We were all trapped in a living room and were trying to figure out what we were to do to get out.

I inched up towards the door and was trying to use my holographic projector to see if the hunter was out there. While I was pressed against the wall next to the kitchen, I saw an infant standing on a counter which faced another hall that was around the corner. The infant started dancing around, and one of the guys from the living room was egging the child on to attract the attention of the bounty hunter. I figured that he too had some sort of holographic projector and wanted to find out where the enemy was.

Sure enough, the child was illuminated and I saw two large red circles painted against the wall. One just above the kid, and one just below. The circles were about a foot in diameter and they started moving towards each other until they joined, forming a white circle that targeted the infant. Locked on.

I did not hear anything, but I saw the kid get hit by a bullet straight in the heart and watched him collapse. That was no holograph!

I began yelling and cursing out loudly, partially because of the insanity of it all, and to attract the shooter's attention. I popped into the hallway a few times but I did not see anyone at the end, and eventually I started using my holographic projector to display a target for the hunter. That's when I saw the two red circles appear, this time on the ground. I realized that the gunner was now looking down from the second floor, but I was out of sight because below him.

I headed back to the living room where they were trying to figure out what to do. I was given a large (three foot) hand saw which seemed to flimsy to be used as a weapon (or anything else for that matter). We picked our positions and waited for the hunter to arrive.

The bounty hunter showed up with little fanfare, but I was surprised to see that it was a woman. A very thin and older woman. She was holding a sniper rifle and was wielding it quite easily. Any thoughts of jumping her went out the window. Instead, I decided to feign cowardice and she quickly dismissed me as a threat.

The rest of our group was basically cowed into submission as well, and none of us moved. None of us moved except for the girls. While the woman was standing next to the couch, all of the girls had slowly moved up next to her. There were about five of them, and she was not paying much attention to them, so when they struck, she was unable to retaliate. I took that moment to jump in and wrapped my hand saw around her neck.

The weapon was useless, and no matter what I tried to do, I was unable to harm her in any way. She was able to break free of my grip and laughed as she told me that to strangle someone properly, you need to use their hair. By then, she already had plucked off one of my hairs (which I thought was much too short for the job) and tried to cut into my throat. I was fortunate enough to squeeze a finger in between and snap the hair, releasing her hold on me.

The girls then restrained her while I took some of her hair and wrapped one strand around her neck. We could not have her following us, so I started sawing. However, I ended up cutting off her nose. Remarkably, there was no blood. Anyway, I tried again to cut her throat. Instead, I chopped off her chin. I tried again for a third time, and I was successful in cutting open her jugular artery. Blood started spraying out of her and onto the floor. I tried to close it, but was unable to stop the flow, and we let her die.


With the threat over, we went outside to look around. We found that there was a huge department store right next door and we wandered in. We needed to head back for some reason so we headed to the back of the store where there was an exit. Apparently the door was right next to the building we came from. So I stepped around some guys who were making some helmets that looked like footballs to get to the exit. girl had already gone on ahead and I ran to catch up. The exit led straight to a large tunnel. The tunnel was large, with fifteen foot ceilings and was as wide as it was high. The walls were at strange angles though, and the tunnel itself bent and twisted around so that it was impossible to see more than fifty meters ahead. The light from the store did not penetrate very far into the tunnel and girl was a little afraid of walking into the dark. So I ran past her into the darkened tunnel only to find out that it curved into another poorly lit area. There was no discernible light source and the jagged walls cast many long shadows in the tunnel.

I noticed someone standing at bend of the tunnel. I could only see their silhouette but when I got closer, the person moved to the side and disappeared. When I got to the spot, I noticed a trio of bodies huddled against the wall. They were hidden in the shadows so I could not see their faces, but one muttered to himself that there have been many people coming through lately. As I passed by them, the one who spoke stood up, possibly to accost me, so I waved girl forward. He was shocked to see that I was not alone and retreated into the shadows.

I looked ahead past the bend in the tunnel and noticed more of them lining the walls. This was probably a bad idea.


[5:48 PM EDT - Okay, so where is the rain?]

I know that I am tempting fate with this statement, but where did the thunder showers go? None came by our area this afternoon, and the forecast is predicting hazy weather but no rain for the rest of the day. I guess riding in was the right thing to do?


Wednesday, October 16, 2024 @ 06:33:17 EDT

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Frank Leahy (From The Quotations Page.)