I think I can feel the chili burning an ulcer in my stomach now.
You know, these cans are pretty small. All of 85g worth. But I have finished the tuna. The next can is 75g of Pacific Salmon and Mayonnaise from Ocean's SnacKit. I did not see an expiry date on the can when it was in the packaging, until I opened it up and saw the label on the top:
BBE: 01/2005
Which by any standard is pretty far from being fresh. Especially if there was mayonnaise in it.
*sniffs can*
Dig in!
Tuesday, April 24, 2007 at 13:25:29 (UTC)
The mayo is irrelevant for canned goods - with canning, the "best before" date is really more an indication of taste - it'll be fine for ages after that, but it might start to taste a bit foul.
I suppose there might also be a consideration for corrosion and contamination by the metals in the can and can solders - not sure about that.
Wednesday, April 25, 2007 at 02:36:38 (UTC)
Oh joy. Well, the food itself tasted okay. I have not gotten sick yet, but I can not really say much about the metal poisoning.