Whoa, this morning traffic was pretty bad in the direction I was going. The worst part was going north on the highway. The on ramp was backed up for a few kilometers and it wasn't moving very much. (Not to mention slowing down traffic for kilometers before the lineup.)
After sitting in line for a few minutes, I decided to go past the highway and take an alternate route, but as I got close to the junction, I found a gap in the line and snuck in. I noticed a lot of large gaps in front of many trucks as I pushed past the lineup. I also noticed that there wasn't actually a reason for the jam. There was no accident and no construction. The route was clear. I guess heavy traffic and a lot of trucks must've contributed to this anomaly.
I got to work and was immediately accosted by TT. Apparently he fell on his shoulder in the parking lot. It was pretty obvious that he had dislocated his shoulder. I took a closer look and didn't notice much else, but his shoulder definitely looked out of place. He's going to the hospital.
I got a joke from KM this morning. It was in a doc file, so I did a quick search and found it on a webpage of jokes. It's the top one on the list.
I started playing Knights of the Old Republic 2 now that I've got a machine that can actually run it. It's pretty good so far. The game play is very similar to the first game, but I didn't get all that far into it yet..