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[9:34 AM EDT - Tired.]

Oh man, I'm so tired. I didn't go to bed until later than normal, and since I had a (large) meal before I went to bed, I couldn't get a good night's sleep. On top of that, I'm awfully sore, and I was sequestered to cart over a number of boxes of wire out to the client site where I'm working right now so I was late since I needed to load the cargo into the car before I left.

I've got quite a number of things to write before I forget. I also have a phone call to make. Hopefully I'll be able to get through all of this before I have to start working. (Hopefully my connection doesn't die on me or it will be a long morning..)


[9:44 AM EDT - Dream Sequence: Restaurant doctor.]

I only remember the tail end of this morning's dream. I found myself driving in a really small car. I wanted to go to some restaurant at some recreational complex and was speeding along on the road at night. I nearly ran through a red light, but stopped just in time. As I approached the building, I noticed a sudden change in the scenery. There was a break line where everything looked very dark and grey past it. Unfortunately, my destination lay behind the break, so I drove on ahead. I felt the car lurch as I crossed the threshold and the handling turned funny. I watched as another car tried driving out of the parking lot and it too was having trouble. It was obvious why: snow. There was snow everywhere, and I didn't have my snow tires on.

There was a blizzard howling around the building and it made it difficult for me to find a parking spot. I had no coat and there weren't any parking spots near the entrance. I decided to park illegally since I didn't think I'd take long. I dove into the building and looked around.

The restaurant looked like a standard family type restaurant, but my final destination was inside. Walking past the tables and people, I came to a little corner of the restaurant that looked like a play area.

In one corner of this spot was a little alcove where a doctor was examining a child. His whole workspace was full of child sized furniture. Even the examination table was less than three feet long! After he had finished with the kid, he looked at me and asked me what I wanted. I told him that I needed a physical, but wanted him to look at my shin splints.

I jumped onto the (now full sized) examination table and he proceeded to examine my lower right leg. He pulled at my shin so hard it looked like he was yanking out some rebar from my leg. Then he pressed down and I felt a little pain. Finally he did some strange twisting thing that did little except to deform my skin a bit.

So I asked him how I was. He told me that it was pretty obvious, and pointed to a large poster on the wall. I squinted at it and saw that my condition required physiotherapy.


[12:18 PM EDT - INTP.]

MJO sent me a link on a description of INTP which is slightly different than the one I had. I laughed when I read the "dressing appropriately" comment.


[4:19 PM EDT - Not a hooker.]

I was told (I think by DE) about the origin of the slang "hooker". I did a quick check on and found something that refutes the story.


[8:53 PM EDT - Rainy badminton.]

The drive home was rather dangerous. It's been raining off and on today, although when it was raining, it's been pouring. Combine this with heavy traffic and high speeds and you've got a recipe for disaster on the highway. I was surprised how quickly everybody was going (at or above the speed limit) as I could feel my tires on the verge of losing grip every now and then.

It was nigh-impossible to see with all that water smashing into the windshield and traction was quite poor. In addition, quite a number of cars didn't turn on their lights, so I wouldn't see them until they were one or two car lengths ahead of me. Fortunately the speed difference wasn't that large, but unfortunately most of those cars were the fast ones.

Funny enough, I noticed the flashing lights of an emergency vehicle in the distance behind me, so I pulled into the middle lane to let it pass. It took five minutes before it caught up with me to pass, and even then, it stayed within ten car lengths in front of me until I got off the highway (around five more minutes). Sucks to be that patient.

Badminton was okay. Not all that many people showed up, but I wasn't as bad as I thought I wouldn't been. I'm quite sore though. *twists neck*

Oh, I need to gas up the other car..


[11:06 PM EDT - Cleaning scripts.]

I've spent some time cleaning up my journal script after adding that "recent entry" stuff. Hmm.. I think it's a bit more robust now, although I doubt anyone noticed how badly written it was originally.


[11:24 PM EDT - A little too late.]

Oops. I guess I waited too long to pick up gas. Prices shot up 16.4 cents in the past couple of hours. Let's see, if I were buying a tank of 40 litres, the difference would be.. $6.56. Ouch, that's an increase of over 25%!

I'm glad I didn't have to fill up..


Wednesday, October 16, 2024 @ 06:26:56 EDT

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