Man, you go away from the office for a day and the world falls apart. I'm telling you, we need to perfect cloning technology soon! ("Boink" comes to mind.)
I'm just thinking: In a month, things should settle down right? Right? Two months? Is there such thing as settling down?
Ugh.. there doesn't seem to be enough hours in the day to do work when you need to, and too many when you don't have anything to do.
Man, I know I've said this about taking directions from a woman, but today, PLP and I were given the runaround by a guy who we couldn't understand, much less take directions from. It took us half-an-hour to find the restaurant where he and TT were eating lunch at, and when we got there, they had already left! I personally thought that it was funny, but PLP wasn't all too happy. The food was good though, so he was in a better mood afterward.