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[12:09 AM EDT - Defender of the Halo.]

Since I had a bit of time, I decided to try installing Halo on my laptop. Well, the installation failed partyway through at the same spot when I tried installing it on my PC, so I guess it's not my CD's fault. At least the Defender of the Crown demo worked. Ah, it brings back memories.. It was fairly fun. Simplistic, but entertaining.


[12:17 AM EDT - Exhibition game.]

We had a fun hockey game today since a lot of people weren't showing up due to a wedding. Thus, some new faces showed up (just for this game) and it made things.. interesting. Considering that one of them was a AAA player, but they didn't overwhelm us or anything. The game was pretty close, but I had forgotten my cup so I couldn't play defense. Hmm, maybe we would've done worse had I stayed back there..


[12:19 AM EDT - Only sixty?]

One of the Pentiums that I thought was a P133 was actually a P60 with a motherboard I couldn't really upgrade with any of the chips at my disposal. It was a little annoying, but it shouldn't really matter. I just wanted another machine to take advantage of the extra 24MB of SIMM RAM I had floating around. I plopped them into a 486 DX-2, so it should be sufficient. Mind you, the hard drive I threw in there is only 47MB large..


[11:34 AM EDT - Are your shorts on backwards?]

I've got an ultimate game coming up today, and it will probably be my last game for the next month or so due to my schedule. That's unfortunate.

When I got out of the tub after my shower, I noticed that the floor mat was pushed to the door, so I decided to hop over and try landing on it. I have no idea why I was thinking that. Maybe this cold is making me do stupid things. (Okay, so maybe it's not the cold's fault.) So I take a step, land on the wet tiled floor and immediately lose my footing. I instinctively tried to grab onto anything to stop my fall. My hands were able to grip onto the towel rack, but those things are definitely not designed to carry weight and it gave away. Fortunately, I was far enough away from the tub that my head didn't hit the edge, so the only thing injured is my butt, my foot (which is bruising now), and my pride. *sigh*


[12:40 PM EDT - Whoops.]

I think I FUBARed the 486. Ah well, it wasn't able to read all of the 24MB of RAM anyway. I can wait until someone else decides to donate one of their machines and I'll pop in my extra memory.


[10:53 PM EDT - Argh!]

Darned it! I lost my entry! Argh! *smacks forehead*

And it took so long to write as well. *sigh*

Okay, back to typing..


[10:59 PM EDT - Ultimately first.]

I actually made it to the ultimate game early today. I even played better today than I have in the past while, but we still lost the game 15-7. Considering that the score was 8-0 at half, we did pick up our game as we continued playing.

Afterward, I headed to my car with EW and PRQ. PRQ was asking me if I was interested in joining a touring team and I told him that I'd think about it (since I really don't have that much free time in the summer right?). Anyway, they saw my new car, and PRQ then asked me what I was willing to sell my old car for. Well, it my court thing wasn't in December and the brakes actually worked, I would've thought about it. I really should get that car fixed huh?


[11:07 PM EDT - Directions next.]

Once I got into the car, I got on my cell phone and tried to find out what the heck I was doing the rest of the day. However, as soon as I got on the phone, the low battery warning went off. Normally, I don't pay that much attention to it since I've been able to talk with the low battery warning for a long time, but this time, after a couple of minutes, the phone cut off and started discharging. What the..? *shakes phone* Ironically enough, it took a long time for the phone to discharge completely (over an hour) so I probably could've finished my phone call had it not died prematurely.

Anyway, I ended up driving to the nearest pay phone to call back. Fortunately, I had remembered the number since it too was stored on my phone. I should remember to memorize numbers more often..

I was told to park in a parking area near some sort of public transit thing, so I drove to the area and found a parking area and parked. So I waited. *twiddles thumbs* I was sitting around for several minutes when I realized that there wasn't really a public transit thing anywhere nearby. Unfortunately my cell phone died so I couldn't confirm the location, so I drove off again looking for public transit (it is sometimes ironic that one in a car would be looking for public transit but this is not one of those times).

I went around in a loop and found so many parking spots, and plenty of public transit "things". This really made me worry since I got the directions assuming that I knew what the heck I was told, but things aren't always as obvious as you think they are, so I drove around and kept seeing spots that were potential meeting areas. I started to dispair at the thought that I would be driving around in circles forever when, like a vision, I saw what I was looking for. Whew! Lucky!


[11:40 PM EDT - Finally Cushy.]

I went out for drinks (expected and tasty) and then had dinner (unexpected but tasty). I even got to see most of "Sleeping Beauty", although I'm wondering if there are any stories that Disney's told without altering the storyline?

I think I stayed out a little longer than I should've, but I had a good time, so it was hard to go home. On that note, when I started up my car, I noticed some sort of note plastered on my windshield. I ended up stalling my car because I forgot that it was in gear, and then nearly rolled onto the street when I was reaching to take the note since I had gotten out of gear and didn't put on the handbrake. Geez, I was definitely mixed up somewhere.

Anyway, the note stated:

"Private Parking. Don't Park Here."

Nice. It's street parking for me from now on huh?


Wednesday, October 16, 2024 @ 06:35:15 EDT

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