Here I am back at work. Oh look! E-mail! I got links from BMH. I'll just post this one on the history of the "Hammered Penguins" name.
Here are the other links that BMH sent over. Three are movies: One, two, and three. There are also some links from the asian ultimate scene.
Ugh, that lasagna I just had isn't sitting well in my stomach. Mind you, I topped it off with a mound of expired brownie mousse and a jug of milk, but I'm not trying to think of food right now.
I was planning to stop off at Canadian Tire to pick up a rubber hanger, but I ended up going to the parking lot that is the intersection that I try to avoid. At any time. (Unfortunately, I'll have to go through this interesection when we move offices so I'm going to have to find a way around it..)
I bascially sat in traffic for fifteen minutes before I gave up and took off through a crack in the traffic. It didn't help matters by the fact that they were selling gas at 59 cents a litre. I think everyone and their grandma was lined up to get in!
I found this link at the ShackNews. It's a pretty good read and Game Spy will finish off the rest of the dumbest 25 game moments as the week progresses.