Well, the test has come and gone and I'm left very puzzled. Why didn't I do the first question? Why didn't I just go and try each question out because a lot of them were easy? Why and I yelling at my computer?!?
Well, it could've went better, but it was fun to do anyway. Well, let's start from the top shall we?
I needed to rent a bike before I did the Google US Puzzle Championship so I hitched a ride with Dangerman downtown (I was originally going to get a ride to the subway from girl, but Dangerman was going downtown anyway). We went down and came back up without any issues. The bike I was given seems to be acceptable, and should suffice for the ride tomorrow.
Afterward, I went to test out the printer and remembered that it was pretty much pooched. I was convinced to call up Laz since he had access to a printer, and so Dangerman and I headed up to his residence.
I got there with a couple minutes to spare before the test began, so I was.. really pushing it. Anyway, the test was written and the time went. I didn't do as well as I wanted to. I should've done better considering how many puzzles I've been doing recently, but when you're not pressed for time, things seem to be a lot easier no?
Afterward, Laz drove me back home and I went tutoring. Then I came back and now here I am.
Time to eat I think.
Sunday, June 01, 2003 at 03:53:52 (UTC)
What? It wasn't a top notch aluminum bike? When I was in Vancouver an aluminum bike can be had for 3 hours for $10-$20. Oh well, I guess as long as it has more than 18 gears and doesn't weigh a ton...
Grinning Reaper