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[11:58 PM EDT - The second day out.]

I got up a little later today than I did yesterday. I wasn't feeling all too good during breakfast and my trip to the water closet made me several minutes late for the morning hookup to go to the client site.

It didn't really matter too much. The drive was nice today, with lots of sun, good weather, a nice view of the river, and roadkill up the wazoo. We made it to the house and it wasn't as if we were missed all that much. There wasn't much for us to do apart from look at any issues and address them.

We spent most of the day working on issues from the night before and that day. It was nothing we couldn't handle and eventually (after an interesting incident with one of the truckers) it was time to go.

JM went out for dinner despite my worry that I wouldn't make my flight. (My flight was at eight-thrity, and we were having dinner at six-thirty.) The food, at least, was very good. Unfortunately, we had both ordered the battered mushrooms. The waiter convinced us that we only needed to order one, and after it arrived, we realized why. There were so many 'shrooms! They were really good though, but by the time had demolished them, they had demolished my appetite. I was SO full. When my order finally arrived (Chicken and Shrimp Alfredo) I could only take a few bites. I really wanted to finish my food, but JM convinced me that I would be able to take the food onboard the plane. Okay..

So off I went to the airport. It was quarter after seven and I started heading towards the airport. After driving for a few minutes, I decided to look at the street signs to make sure that I was going the right way. At the next intersection, I looked and.. uh.. uh oh. This wasn't the street I was looking for. Thinking back, I suddenly remembered that the highway exit actually went to another street, so I took a wrong turn.. *smacks head*

I quickly changed directions (it was a rental so I put it through it's paces) and came up to the intersection where I made the wrong turn. I was right, I did make the wrong turn. Crap. *looks at watch* Now it's seven-thirty. I sure hope it doesn't take too long to make it to the airport.

Fortunately for me, the airport was only ten minutes away, but I still had to drop off my car and get bused to the terminal. I made it to the lot at 7:40, got bussed to the airport by 7:50, and got my ticket (the lines were empty) and make it through security (the lines were empty) and reach the terminal (the bus wasn't empty but there were a lot of them) by 8:10. Whew! *wipes brow* That was one of the quickest airport transitions I've ever had. Fortunately there were no customs to go through or I might've been sitting in line still..

The flight back was uneventful. I wanted to go to sleep on the way back, but the guy next to me was playing chess on his laptop. I decided to watch his game and realized that he wasn't that good a player. Mind you, the computer was as aggressive as it could've been, but after seeing him play, I wanted to get back into chess.

*thinks* Nah.

At customs, I was asked why I didn't finish the claims sheet. I had ignored the question that asked whether I was bringing food into the country. I asked the agent if leftovers from a restaurant were considered food. In hindsight, it sounds like a really stupid question, but I really wasn't sure then. He looked at me funny and asked me what kind of food it was. I told him that it was pasta and asked if he wanted to take a look. He declined, wrote some things down, and sent me on my way.

I took a look at the claims sheet afterward and noticed that the food checkbox was marked "yes" with the description being "USA" and "pasta". Okay, but that made sense.

The drive back home was uneventful. Construction and traffic. Nothing else new.

Now it's time for me to throw up some news links.

The first is about how the internet nearly went down (again), and there's this nifty air mouse that's out. These are ShackNews links. I'll throw up ArsTechnica links some other time.

Thursday, October 24, 2002 at 21:03:39 (UTC)

It's amusing - trying to DDoS a system that already regularly handles such large amounts of traffic..

As for this "working" claim, we all know what you were really doing down there...


Monday, October 28, 2002 at 03:40:10 (UTC)

What interests me was this quote:

"A longer, more extensive attack could have seriously damaged worldwide electronic communications, the source said."

Admitting that it could've taken down the system has opened the door for people to try taking it down. OTOH, if source had said that it wasn't possible, then hackers/script kiddies out there would've tried to disprove it. I think a non-comment would've been more useful IMNSHO.


Wednesday, October 16, 2024 @ 08:17:52 EDT

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