Well, day three has come and gone, and we're all okay. We only ordered larges today since nobody wanted XL bowls. (Actually it was more expensive at this place so a large cost as much, or more, than an XL are the other places.) There's still two more days left, and I'm starting to smell like Pho. Ick.
While we were eating, LY and HL started coming up with more eating week ideas, like BBQ pork, or steak, or ribs, or chicken, or.. the list goes on and on.
Actually, I forgot to mention something. The place where we ate at today was the place where the original Pho week idea came about. It was basically thrown about by the people who went to lunch that day. It sounded like a good idea then..
Naw, it sounded like a crazy idea then and it sounds even crazier now that we're actually doing it. I thought they were crazy for even suggesting it. Aw heck, I can't imagine I went along for the ride. What was I thinking?
Dang, too bad I didn't write it down that day. It's annoying to think of these things in hindsight.
Anyway, LY's been posting a progress report. Stay tuned.
Thursday, September 19, 2002 at 14:31:40 (UTC)
Variety in the types of food you consume is key to good health.
A Concerned Citizen