Hey, after looking around, I've decided that I'm going to check out PHP sometime in the near future. Currently, there's no real need for me to learn it, but since the Forum's kind of clunky in it's current HTML/Perl state, using something a bit more interactive has it's advantages. I may also port my journal onto a database. MySQL sounds like the ticket, and since I'm learning a lot about MSSQL, I should be able to get the hang of it pretty easilly. But, first thing's first, PHP. I guess I'll be spending my free time looking it up huh?
Monday, May 14, 2001 at 20:00:50 (UTC)
As I've mentioned before PHP rules. PHP code is much more sensible than Perl code, IMHO. And If you've done any sort of database programming, getting PHP/MySQL stuff to work is dead simple.
Makes me wonder why I wasted all that time trying to get Perl stuff to work...