I had a quick discussion about the age difference in relationships and one person told me that her maximum age difference is eight. I did not think that there should be a age difference limit, saying that nine years is not much depending on the age of the people. Would I have any problems going out with a twenty-three year old? Yes, if she was not the same maturity level, or was unattractive, or was annoying, etc. But not because she was twenty-three.
Ugh, I have a little bit of heart burn. I think it is from the spaghetti that my mom made. It happened yesterday too after lunch so I do not know what the heck they put into the sauce!
Friday, September 07, 2007 at 07:24:32 (UTC)
mom's cooking for me and dangerman tonight, her first euro dinner. She's already invaded our fridge. i'll tell her to cool it on the spaghetti sauce, but I suspect it won't be spaghetti tonight :)
Friday, September 07, 2007 at 12:51:47 (UTC)
Ah ha! Was it a traditional Chinese dish?