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[1:40 AM CEST - From rain to.. more rain?]

I arrived in Copenhagen tonight. I have a bit of settling to do yet before I write up on my trip, but things have been going fairly smoothly so far! Actually, that is if you discount the maple syrup incident in my bag. Other then that, I was able to unload half of my luggage (or close to it), so the return trip should be much easier on the shoulder!


[11:31 PM CEST - Not much.. is good!]

I ended up waking up just before noon, so I had already part of the day to my deep slumber. I did remember the dream vividly, but because I did not bother writing it down, it got lost to the ether as the day wore on.

I had a number of things I needed to do for today. The first was to go grocery shopping. In addition, I needed to pick up a few post cards.

After getting cleaned up and making some computer changes here and there, I was able to get out of the apartment. I walked down to street level and headed to the gate where I got to the door and..

There is no knob on this thing. How the heck are you supposed to open the gate?!? I fumbled around with the door for a couple of minutes before looking around for help. Fortunately some lady had just walked outside to check her mail and I was able to ask her if she knew English. Apparently her English was excellent, and there was barely an accent in her voice. She showed me how to open the door, so I asked her where I would be able to find post cards. She did not know, but directed me to the walkway where I would be able to find what I was looking for.

So I thanked her and went on my way. I wandered down the pedestrian walkway for quite some time before spying some post cards on display in a book store. I picked up a bunch and headed back to the apartment. I was able to retrace my steps to drop off the post cards and came back out to do some grocery shopping.

girl had told me that there was a grocery store nearby. In the basement of one of these buildings, but all of these buildings looked the same to me, and it took me some time (and wandering around) before I recalled something about a mall. I walked inside one of the buildings and looked around for a way down, which was actually harder than it looked, but I was able to find a grocery store.

I wandered around inside for quite some time. They had these neat baskets that you could carry, or could also pull along as it had wheels on the bottom. I should bring one back to Canada: I could make millions! I found my way to the chocolate aisle where I was able to find two types of chocolate that MJNL was looking for! However, that did not help me with my grocery list. This Chinese lady who was working at the store had asked me if I needed help while I was in the chocolate aisle and I brushed her off, but when she came up again the next time I started asking her were things were: cloves, onions, mushrooms, etc. She pointed out the locations to me and I quickly started marking off the items on the list. I was eventually left with walnuts, which I did find, but the prices were exorbitant! I decided to pass, but I do not think I will be able to find a cheaper source..

I got back home and made some chicken korma, as I had skipped out on breakfast. By the time I was done, girl had come back home. She made dinner, we watched a movie, and then went out for cake. Now I am back, I have finished writing the post cards, and I should get ready for tomorrow as I need to wake up early..


Wednesday, October 16, 2024 @ 06:27:24 EDT

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