It has been a year now since I had my eyes and teeth done. All of the tests and check ups for my eyes are over, but I need to have my eyes checked every year from now on to maintain the warranty. (What warranty?) It is a small price to pay for the convenience of not having to wear glasses for the near (and hopefully far) future.
The last test put my eyes to being a bit better than twenty/twenty vision, although I find that claim a little dubious. There are times when I have some trouble focusing, but those are usually associated with long sessions in front of the computer, so I am pretty sure that it is not an issue with the eyes themselves. (But the brain behind the eyes.)
I have been able to experience a whole new world, or more correctly, a whole old world in a new light. I have been asked many questions about the procedures, costs, pain, side effects, etc. of the entire process, and I believe that it was worth it. So far.
I go forward now, barely even remembering what it was like to live with glasses. To view the world behind two shaped lenses, and to be very dependent on them. Oh how quickly the mind can forget..
My teeth on the other hand, still have some way to go. It has also been one year since I had the hardware installed, and after a fair bit of pain and work, my teeth have become much straighter, and my bite is much more even. I have gotten used to living with braces, and even with the extra wires and elastics that have been added over the months. My teeth are still not perfect, but I am getting there. Hopefully by this time next year, I will be ready to put this part of the story to bed as well.
It is now the year of the pig according to the lunar calendar. Happy new year!
I had dinner with the clan on Saturday night and then headed out to hockey right afterwards. I am still feeling a little sore afterwards. I landed on my wrist during the game and I can make the bones move a bit.
Oh, my relatives played a trick on my aunt. During the clan gathering, she was told that one of my cousins was coming for dinner. It was getting late, and everyone else had arrived, but "my cousin" still had not arrived yet. She came up to ask me if "my cousin" knew how to get to the house, and that's when her son ran in and greeted everyone. She was in shock since he was not supposed to be in town.
Don't you love surprises?
Monday, February 19, 2007 at 04:17:49 (UTC)
I don't want to hear any complaints about one year of braces. I had four years. Elastics all day except for eating. Head gear (over the crown, not behind the neck) at night.
On the other hand, I did better in the vision department. Just a little astigmatic. The only time I feel I truly need my glasses is for driving at night.
Monday, February 19, 2007 at 04:48:13 (UTC)
Ah, and that emphasizes the point that wearing braces is a much bigger pain (on average) than having your eyes done! I certainly would not wish braces on anyone else.
(Unless I really, really did not like that person.)