During our stay at a pub, I noticed one of the women sitting at a table near us looked very much like the lady who used to co-host the Discovery Channel show Daily Planet. I thought that that would be a strange coincidence since she had just left the show, so I did not mention it, although I tried to listen in to see if she had an accent.
Laz later remarked that the lady was indeed who I was thinking of, but I was still a little doubtful. I wanted to actually go up to her and ask, but I am not the intrusive type, so when Laz got my attention to look, I saw that theMediaman was actually talking to her!
So apparently it was indeed Natasha Stillwell sitting at the table next to us.
I have installed MySQL on my server and I have been playing around with it for a bit. The SQL aspect is pretty straightforward but I need to find a good program that I could use to manipulate data, or at least an easy way for me to transfer the information into the database. I may have to write my own interface in the end though.
I went to pick up my mail right before hockey. Amongst the regular junk mail, I found a letter from my old hydro supplier. The material of the paper inside indicated that it might be some sort of cheque. I wanted to open it up but I left the letter opener upstairs so I decided to wait until then. But when I examined the letter, I noticed that it was already open! Actually, upon closer inspection, I noticed that the glue that is normally used to seal the letter still looked fresh, as if they forgot to wet it before sending out the letter.
I decided to look inside, and it was indeed a cheque. I have no idea why I was getting a cheque in the mail, but I am not looking a gift horse in the mouth!
Hockey was not so good on the other hand. I was late again, so I never got a chance to stretch or warm up, and I barely had time to tape my stick. I ended up pulling a neck muscle and had a lot of trouble getting out of my equipment after the game. I guess I really should get to the rink earlier?