I have been working on two web projects. One was to move my photos off of the server and onto a web based image server like flickr. The second was to time stamp every entry and comment in my records. I have finished the second task, although that task was just a stepping stone towards moving my data into a relational database (as well as allowing for entry driven retrieval rather than having it date based).
I guess I still have a lot of work to do. I also have a lot to say about the last few days, but as things go, I will probably just put up a short blurb.
It seems like my timestamps are off. The timestamp I take for the entry is slightly different than the one I use for the logs. It is because I use the initial entry time for the data files, and I use the final save time for the log files. These times can differ by seconds, or minutes, or maybe even hours.
It is quite annoying. I will need to figure a way around this..
Okay, I'm working at fixing this timestamp mixup. Hopefully I do not screw anything up..