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[Tuesday, October 4, 2005: Bow to your Corner.]

Because of last night's late events, I didn't get up until nearly one. I haven't got up that late in many moons! Even after the last LAN party, I still got up before noon. Anyway, the plan was to square dancing in Newmarket and then head off to hockey afterward. I spent some time playing Final Fantasy VII before meeting up with girl and Dangerman. We headed off to BL's place and the four of us drove off to the meeting centre.

We had found out that the square dancing was taking place at a senior's meeting hall. This sort of implied that the majority of the people who would be participating would be elderly. After discussing the situation a bit, BL commented,

"I bet that there will only be four people under thirty."

So I tactfully responded with,

"Uhh, I bet that there will only be three."

So the plan was to leave early if we didn't fit in and weren't having a good time. (Picture four youngish Chinese people in a sea of elderly white folks.)

We got there soon before the lesson started up. (There was a dancing lesson before the actual dance commenced.) All the neophytes and a few experienced dancers got up with their partners and we all started promenading around the room.

The caller started going through a bunch of simple moves and commands. Most of which we easily butchered and by the time the first lesson was done, we were completely confused. We were then organized into squares, and BL and I ended up separated from girl and Dangerman. We ended up at the head square right in front of the caller. This was good because he could actually direct us and use as an example. This was bad because he would use us as an example. My corner (the girl to my left) was young and cute! (Redheads always seem to be cute.) *pumps fist*

Under the caller's direction, we eventually got the hang of most of the basic square dancing moves. I think things would've gone better if we had an experienced couple in our group, as each pair would repeat the actions of the head pair. So a demonstration by the lead dancers would've given us a better idea of what we were supposed to do. We made it through though.

There was a break before the actual dance commenced, and BL found the friend that invited her out to this event. We were all introduced, and at that point I found out that they were going to sing "O Canada" at the beginning of the dance. She asked Dangerman and I to sing with them.


You want us to.. sing?

Apparently saying no was not an option, so when it was time, Dangerman and I sneaked to the back (there were only eight of us) and tried not to make the group sound too bad.

The dance was actually quite fun! We had a very weak pair, but the rest of us didn't have that many problems with the steps. We were all sweating by the end of each session even though it didn't feel like an actual workout. It was getting close to the time that we were planning on leaving, so we finished off a square set before heading out. After our last set, we watched one of the square dancing rounds where pairs would move together in a certain way. A lot of the moves were similar, but there were parts where the pairs would do something different. While we were trying to figure out the pattern, I heard a female voice next to me ask,

"Would you like me to show you how it's done?"

I stood there and looked stupid for a moment while I stared at the (non elderly) woman who asked me the question, and I figured, "Why not?" So I agreed and she pulled in towards the group and started showing me how to do that dance. It was really easy actually, and after a few rounds she told me to take my partner and try it out.

So I pulled BL onto the dance floor and with some coaching from the lady, we were able to follow with the rest of the crowd and look like we knew what we were doing! It was all good.

After we left, Dangerman dropped me off at my car and I headed out to hockey. When I got on the ice and did some laps, I realized that I was really tired. I hadn't eaten since lunch and the dancing seemed to have sapped all of my strength. I was correct. Halfway through the game, I was too tired to play. This didn't help us since we were losing the game. It was unfortunate actually since I had hoped to play well, but a number of the goals against us could be directly blamed on me.

Nobody was available to go out for dinner afterward, so I went home to make some food for myself. It's cheaper that way anyway. I still have tons of food left too. I played some more Final Fantasy VII so that my dinner would digest before heading off to sleep.


Wednesday, October 16, 2024 @ 06:36:16 EDT

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