Maverick gave me a copy of Final Fantasy VII for me to try out again. Oh boy.
Laz forwarded a link to a bunch of pictures that were photoshopped so that the subjects would be more anime looking. The majority look obviously edited and most look downright scary but there were a few that were well done.
Hmm, I'm not feeling all too hot right now. I'm not sure if it was something I had last night or if breakfast wasn't as wholesome as it should have been..
Oh, there was this girl (maybe five?) at badminton with her dad. They were leaving just as I was arriving. She kept staring at me while I was getting ready to play. No matter where I tried to stand, or sit, or hide, she would keep looking at me with that blank stare. It was freaky. When I finally looked at her, she waited a beat and waved. What could I do? I waved back.
Maybe it's the hair? I should get it cut. (I was going to last night but the place was closed.)
I found another page on setting up SASL and TLS on Postfix. This one's more geared towards Debian. We'll see if I have any more luck.