When I got back home from my trip on Friday, the first thing I noticed was that there a bunch of new street signs all over the parking entrance. Most of them were stop signs, which is actually a good thing, since there were a bunch of intersections there that were quite dangerous if you didn't slow down to look.
I also got a notice on my door about a service call for today. They'll be fixing something I found in the room. Probably the door. Anyway, I hope they don't break anything..
Along with the GTO stuff that Laz lent me, I also got a copy of the Gantz manga which I'm checking out. It's interesting. It looks at the way people perceive death and has a surprising amount of female nudity.
I should be able to finish everything off fairly soon.
I picked up a new bed frame last night. This one doesn't have wheels, but it has a centre support so it should be more stable, although the one I borrowed from Laz was more than stable enough. (Mind you, I haven't been jumping on the bed or anything yet..)
LY passed along a link to a cool puzzle site: Not Pron. It's pretty cool, I'm up to level 8 so far, but there's still 130 levels to go..
I left my wrist support at home today, so I tried playing badminton without it for a bit. After a bit of warming up, I knew that my wrist wouldn't be able to handle a game. I switched to playing with my left hand for the rest of the night, which meant that I didn't actually get any exercise.