You know, I've got a bunch of video cards lying around and a couple of monitors as well. I could try setting up multiple monitors..
I've moved the contents from the micro ATX case into the spare case that I had using the ATX power supply that Werdna lent me. I think it'll work, but I haven't finished putting it together yet. I've cleaned out the other case so that I can put it away, but there isn't really much I can do with it anymore (unless I find a new power supply).
I got up really early this morning so that I could make it to the hill before everyone else showed up to help SP set up the equipment. I got to the hill and the place was locked. Great, at least SP was there, so we hung around until someone with a key showed up.
The day went by fairly quickly. It was busy, with the rookies doing a lot of stuff, and the refreshers going through a lot of the reorientation. I was focused on introduction and going through the policies. Yay.
The life evac was good though. Very well planned, efficient, and easy (for us).
The scenerios went well too. It was good practice overall.
Yeah, I really don't know what else to say. We finished earlier than expected, but I still didn't make it home in time for the ultimate game, so I stayed home to work on those computers.
But boy, was I tired.