I got to work at a fairly normal time today. There was a police cruiser parked in front, but I didn't think that was out of the ordinary since I've seen cops around our building every now and then.
As I was walking towards the door, I noticed that one of the main floor windows had a large hole in it. Someone or something had broken through the double paned glass either to get in our get out. There was glass everywhere, so I wasn't sure which way the force was exerted, but my guess is probably to get in.
Anyway, I wasn't sure if it was an accident until I headed towards the elevator, I saw a policeman standing with the super who talked to another fellow who had just gotten out of the elevator. I caught just part of the conversation as the elevators closed and the only line that caught my ear was:
"Your office got broken into last night."
Well, that explains the broken window huh?
LR forwarded an article that she found on The Star about how some Americans are apologizing for the Bush win. There's also a website you can check out.
Hmm, I'm being hit pretty hard by one of those MSN bots ( It's not as bad as the WebDAV exploit seven months back, but I really don't want to filter out these hits..
Hmm, copying forms with javascript.
With javascript, there's a way to force a reload.
Documentation is for people who know how to use the system. That will sum it up pretty nicely for anyone who's used Linux.
Hmm, with all of these hits on my journal, I was wondering if the search engines have gone through and seached through my scripts. Oh indeed they have! I did a casual search for Squishy and came up with reams of hits just from my site! Do you know what this means? This means that I can get rid of my search script! Whoot!
I've taken down the chess script since I got a PHP script that will do what it did. Not like it's doing much right now since it still looks like crap, but hey, now that I've got it ported, I can start working on making it look nice. I also need to enter in the rest of those chess games (I'm only halfway done).